Washington, D.C. 20549


Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(Amendment No. )





Washington, D.C. 20549


Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

(Amendment No.    )

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667 Madison Avenue

New York, NY 10065-8087

Notice of


Annual Meeting

of Shareholders



Notice of
Annual Meeting
of Shareholders




1To elect thirteentwelve directors named in this proxy statement;


2To approve, on an advisory basis, the company’s executive compensation;


3To ratify the appointment of our independent auditors for 2018;2022; and


4To transact any other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement.

Shareholders of record at the close of business on March 15, 20182022 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting and any adjournment or postponement.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018


11:00 a.m.Eastern Time


Loews Regency New York Hotel

540 Park Avenue, New York, New York


March 15, 2018



Tuesday, May 10, 2022


11:00 a.m. New York City Time 


Via the Internet



March 15, 2022 


By order of the Board of Directors,



Marc A. Alpert

Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

March 28, 201830, 2022



Table of Contents

Table of Contents




We are providing this Proxy Statement in connection with the solicitation by our Board of Directors (our “Board”) of proxies to be voted at our 20182022 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (our “Annual Meeting”), which will be held virtually at the Loews Regency New York Hotel, 540 Park Avenue, New York, New York,www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/L2022, on Tuesday, May 8, 2018,10, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., EasternNew York City Time.

Our mailing address is 667 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10065-8087. Please note that throughout this Proxy Statement we refer to Loews Corporation as “we,” “us,” “our,” “Loews” or the “company.”


Information and reports on websites that we refer to in this Proxy Statement will not be deemed a part of, or otherwise incorporated by reference in, this Proxy Statement.

2Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Proxy Summary



Proxy Summary

Proxy Summary

Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for our Annual Meeting.

This Proxy Statement, our 20172021 Annual Report, including our Annual Report on Form10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 15, 2018,8, 2022, and the proxy card are available atwww.loews.com/reports.








Proposal 1:Elect the thirteentwelve directors listed below



Proposal 2:Approve, on an advisory basis, the company’s executive compensation



Proposal 3:Ratify the appointment of the company’s independent auditors for 2018






Transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.




  Board Committee Membership Board Committee Membership
Name & Title Age 



    Audit      Compensation   

  Nominating &  


   Executive  Age




Nominating & 



Ann E. Berman

Retired Senior Advisor to the President, Harvard University

 65 2006       692006 

Joseph L. Bower

Donald K. David Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School

 79 2001  



Charles D. Davidson

Venture Partner, Quantum Energy Partners

 68 2015       722015  

Charles M. Diker

Managing Partner, Diker Management, LLC, Chairman, Cantel Medical Corp.

 83 2003      

Jacob A. Frenkel

Chairman, JPMorgan Chase International

 75 2009       

Charles M. Diker

Chairman, Diker Management, LLC


Paul J. Fribourg

Chairman, President and CEO, Continental Grain Company Lead Independent Director

 64 1997   



Walter L. Harris

President and CEO, FOJP Service Corp. and Hospital Insurance Co.

 66 2004 



Walter L. Harris

Former President and CEO, FOJP Service Corp. and Hospital Insurance Co.


Philip A. Laskawy

Retired Chairman and CEO, Ernst & Young LLP

 76 2003       802003 

Susan Peters

Retired Chief Human Resources Officer, General Electric Company


Andrew H. Tisch

Office of the President,Co-Chairman of the Board, Loews Corporation

 68 1985       


Susan P. Peters

Retired Chief Human Resources Officer, General Electric Company


Andrew H. Tisch

Retired Member of the Office of the President, Co-Chairman of the Board, Loews Corporation


James S. Tisch

Office of the President, President and Chief Executive Officer, Loews Corporation

 65 1986       691986 

Jonathan M. Tisch

Office of the President,Co-Chairman of the Board, Chairman and CEO, Loews Hotels

 64 1986       

Anthony Welters

Executive Chairman, Black Ivy Group, LLC

 63 2013       

Jonathan M. Tisch

Office of the President, Co-Chairman of the Board, Loews Corporation; Chairman and CEO, Loews Hotels & Co


Anthony Welters

Founder, Chairman and CEO, CINQ Care Inc.


Further information regarding our director nominees is included under the heading “Director Nominees” beginning on page 7.


Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy3

Proxy Summary



Corporate Governance highlights

Our corporate governance framework reinforces our goal of building long-term value for shareholders.




  The Board has determined that all of our directors and nominees (other than the members of our Office of the President)James, Andrew and Jonathan Tisch) are independent under our independence standards and the New York Stock Exchange listing standards.

  Members of our Office of the President are our only management directors.

  Independent directors regularly hold executive sessions at Board meetings, which are chaired by our lead director.


to Shareholders

  All of our directors are elected annually.

  Our directors are elected by a majority voting standard in uncontested elections.

  Shareholders are invited to submit questions to our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer on our quarterly earnings calls.



and Evaluation

▪  Our Board consists of directors with a diverse mix of skills, experience and background.


▪  Our Board and Board committees each undertake a robust annual self-evaluation process.self-evaluations. 



  We have four Board committees — Audit, Compensation, Nominating and Governance, and Executive.

  Each of our Audit, Compensation and Nominating and Governance Committees is composed entirely of independent directors.

Leadership Structure

  We have a separate Chief Executive Officer andCo-Chairmen of the Board.

  Our lead director is fully independent and empowered with broadly defined authorities and responsibilities. Our lead director is also Chairman of our Nominating and Governance Committee, which is responsible for developing our corporate governance principles.

Risk Oversight

  Our Board is responsible for risk oversight. It regularly reviews enterprise risk management and related policies, processes and controls, and oversees management in its assessment and mitigation of risk.

Director and

Officer Stock


  Our independentnon-employee directors are required to own shares of our stock having a value of at least three times their annual cash retainer.

  Our executive officers and directors as a group own a substantial percentage of our outstanding common stock.

  We only have a single class of common stock, so this substantial stock ownershipwhich directly aligns the interests of our executive officers and directors with those of our other shareholders.

  We have an anti-hedging and pledging policy for directors and executive officers. 



  Our fully independent Compensation Committee oversees all aspects of our executive compensation program.

  We structure a large majority of our executive officers’ compensation to be performance based.

  We have an annual shareholder advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation.

  Compensation  We have a clawback policy that allows for certainthe recoupment of our executives is subject to clawback.

incentive compensation. 

  We do not maintain employment agreements or agreements to pay severance upon a change in control with any of our executive officers.

  We structure a large majority of our executive officers’ compensation to be performance based. 

Ethics and



  Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is disclosed on our website.

  We have an active and robust ethics and compliance program, which includes regular employee training.

4Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors


4Loews Corporation2022 Proxy


Proposal No. 1:

Election of Directors

Lawrence S. Bacow and Ken Miller, two

Proposal No. 1:
Election of our current Board members, have informed the Board that they will step down as directors immediately prior to our 2018 Annual Meeting. The Board would like to thank each of them for their years of distinguished service to Loews and the Board. The Board has determined to fix the number of directors constituting the full Board at thirteen, as of the 2018 Annual Meeting. Accordingly, atDirectors

At the Annual Meeting, shareholders will vote to elect a Board of thirteentwelve directors to serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified. These thirteen nominees include twelve current directors and one new director nominee, Susan Peters. It is the intention of the persons named in the accompanying form of proxy, unless you specify otherwise, to vote for the election of the nominees named below.below, each of whom is a current director. Our Board has no reason to believe that any of the persons named will be unable or unwilling to serve as a director and each has agreed to be nominated in this Proxy Statement.

If any nominee is unable or unwilling to serve, we anticipate that either:


proxies will be voted for the election of a substitute nominee or nominees recommended by our Nominating and Governance Committee and approved by our Board; or


our Board will adopt a resolution reducing the number of directors constituting our full Board.

Director Nominating Process

In evaluating potential director nominees for recommendation to our Board, our Nominating and Governance Committee seeks individuals with exceptional talent and ability and experience from a wide variety of backgrounds to provide a diverse spectrum of experience and expertise relevant to a diversified business enterprise such as ours.


In identifying, evaluating and nominating individuals to serve as directors, our Board and its Nominating and Governance Committee do not rely on any preconceived diversity guidelines or rules. Rather, our Board and its Nominating and Governance Committee believe that Loews is best served by directors with a wide range of perspectives, professional experiences, skills and other individual qualities and attributes.


Although we have no minimum qualifications, a candidate should represent the interests of all shareholders, and not those of a special interest group, have a reputation for integrity and be willing to make a significant commitment to fulfilling the duties of a director.

Our Nominating and Governance Committee will screen and evaluate all recommended director nominees (including those validly proposed by shareholders) based on these criteria, as well as other relevant considerations.

Further information regarding the process for a shareholder to recommend a director nominee can be found below under “Submissions or Nominations for our 2019 Annual Meeting” on p. 56 in the Annual Meeting Information section.

Although we have no minimum qualifications, a candidate should represent the interests of all shareholders, and not those of a special interest group, have a reputation for integrity and be willing to make a significant commitment to fulfilling the duties of a director.

Our Nominating and Governance Committee will screen and evaluate all recommended director nominees (including those validly proposed by shareholders) based on these criteria, as well as other relevant considerations. Further information regarding the process for a shareholder to recommend a director nominee can be found below under “Submissions of Nominations or Other Proposals for Our 2023 Annual Meeting” on p. 54. Our Nominating and Governance Committee will retain full discretion in considering its nomination recommendations to our Board.

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Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy5

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors


Director Independence

Our Board has determined that the following directors, and nominees, constituting a majority of our directors, and nominees, are independent under our independence standards and the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange: Lawrence S. Bacow, Ann E. Berman, Joseph L. Bower, Charles D. Davidson, Charles M. Diker, Jacob A. Frenkel, Paul J. Fribourg, Walter L. Harris, Philip A. Laskawy, Ken Miller, Susan P. Peters and Anthony Welters. We refer to these directors in this Proxy Statement as our “independent directors.” Our Board considered all relevant facts and circumstances and applied the independence standards described below, which are consistent with New York Stock Exchange listing standards, in determining that none of our independent directors has any material relationship with us or our subsidiaries.

Our Board has established the following standards to determine director independence.

A director would not be considered independent if any of the following relationships exists:


during the past three years the director has been an employee, or an immediate family member has been an executive officer, of Loews;


the director or an immediate family member received, during any twelve-month period within the past three years, more than $120,000 in direct compensation from Loews, excluding director and committee fees, pension payments and certain forms of deferred compensation;


the director is a current partner or employee or an immediate family member is a current partner of a firm that is Loews’s internal or external auditor, an immediate family member is a current employee of such a firm and personally works on the company’s audit or, within the last three years, the director or an immediate family member was a partner or employee of such a firm and personally worked on Loews’s audit within that time;


the director or an immediate family member has at any time during the past three years been employed as an executive officer of another company where any of Loews’s present executive officers at the same time serves or served on that company’s compensation committee; or


the director is a current employee, or an immediate family member is a current executive officer, of a company that has made payments to, or received payments from, Loews for property or services in an amount which, in any of the last three years, exceeded the greater of $1 million or 2% of the other company’s consolidated gross revenues.

In considering Dr. Frenkel’s independence, the Board noted that he serves as Chairman of JPMorgan Chase International, a unit of JPMorgan Chase & Co., where he concentrates on international strategy and global economic issues. From time to time, for many years, Loews and its subsidiaries have had commercial banking and investment banking relationships with JPMorgan Chase & Co. Dr. Frenkel has not had, and is not expected to have, any role in any current or potential future relationships between Loews or any of its subsidiaries and JPMorgan Chase & Co., or any direct or indirect material interest therein.

In considering Mr. Harris’s independence, the Board noted that he has a majority ownership interest in certain insurance brokerage firms which, from time to time, receive brokerage commissions from insurance company subsidiaries of our subsidiary, CNA Financial Corporation. Mr. Harris may not participate and has not participated in the Audit Committee’s consideration of these related party transactions. All business placed with CNA by such insurance brokerage firms was pursuant to written agreements on CNA’s standard forms, is typical of the products offered by CNA to its brokers and commissions were paid in accordance with a schedule that is standard to CNA brokerage contracts of this type. Mr. Harris does not participate in placements of business with CNA. Mr. Harris has informed Loews that these commissions were less than the greater of $1 million or 2% of the consolidated gross revenues of such firms during each of the last three years. In 2017, commissions totaled approximately $23,000.

6Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors



Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors


Director Nominees

Information about each nominee for director and the nominee’s age, principal occupation during the past five years and individual qualifications and attributes are set forth below. Unless otherwise noted in this Proxy Statement, no entity related to a nominee is affiliated with Loews.


Ann E. Berman




Retired advisor to the President of Harvard University. Ms. Berman is also a director of Immuneering Corporation and Renalytix plc. Ms. Berman was a director of Eaton Vance Corporation from 2006 to 2021 and of Cantel Medical Corp.

DIRECTOR SINCE: from 2011 to 2021.


EXPERIENCE:Ms. Berman’s experience, including having served as Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Harvard University, has provided her with a deep knowledge of the complex financial issues faced by large institutions such as Loews. In addition, her past service on the board of the Harvard Management Company, which oversees the management of Harvard’s endowment, gives her extensive experience in dealing with large and diverse investment portfolios such as those maintained by Loews and its subsidiaries. This knowledge and experience isare valuable to our Board and qualifiesqualify her to serve as one of the two financial experts on our Board’s Audit Committee.


Joseph L. Bower






A faculty member of Harvard Business School from 1963 to 2014, Professor Bower has been the Donald K. David Professor Emeritus at Harvard Business School since July 2014. Prior to July 2014, Professor Bower served as Baker Foundation Professor of Business Administration at Harvard University.since 2014. Professor Bower is also a director of Anika Therapeutics, Inc. and New America High Income Fund, Inc. He was also a director of Sonesta International Hotels CorporationAnika Therapeutics, Inc. from 1984 until 2012.1993 to 2021.


EXPERIENCE:Professor Bower has served as a Professor of Business Administration for over 4555 years. For many years his scholarship has had a particular emphasis on corporate management, organization and leadership. His study and knowledge in this area serve to enhance our Board’s ability to fulfill its oversight responsibility with respect to Loews’s management.


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Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors



Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy7

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors

Charles D. Davidson






Venture Partner at Quantum Energy Partners, a private equity fund specializing in investments in energy businesses, since 2015.businesses. Mr. Davidson served as Chief Executive Officer of Noble Energy Inc., an independent producer of oil and natural gas, from 2000 through 2014, and was Chairman of the Board of Noble until his retirement in May 2015. Mr. Davidson iswas also a director, from 2016, and is expected atChairman of the end of MarchBoard, from 2018, to become Chairman, of Jagged Peak Energy, Inc. until 2020.


EXPERIENCE:Mr. Davidson has worked in the oil and gas industry for over forty45 years, including as President and Chief Executive Officer of Noble. His extensive experience with oil and gas operations, as well as management of a large, complex, multinational organization, give him knowledge and insights that are valuable to our Board, particularly in overseeing the business of our energy industry subsidiaries, Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. andsubsidiary, Boardwalk PipelinePipelines Partners, LP.

LP (Boardwalk Pipelines).

Charles M. Diker






Managing PartnerChairman of Diker Management LLC, a registered investment adviser. Mr. Diker is also thewas a director, from 1985, and Chairman of the Board, from 1986, of Cantel Medical Corp. until 2021.


EXPERIENCE:Mr. Diker has had wide-ranging experience in the investment advisory field, as well as in the management or on the boards of several operating businesses. This combination of experiences as an investment professional and a key executive at operating companies is a valuable attribute Mr. Diker brings to our Board, particularly in light of Loews’s varied investment and business interests.


Jacob A. FrenkelPaul J. Fribourg





Chairman of JPMorgan Chase International, the international unit of bank JPMorgan Chase & Co., a member of the International Council of JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Group of Thirty, a nonprofit consultative group on international economic and monetary affairs. Dr. Frenkel is also a director of Boston Properties, Inc.

EXPERIENCE: Dr. Frenkel brings to our Board broad experience in international economic and monetary affairs. He has held senior executive positions at large financial institutions and governmental bodies, served as Governor of the Bank of Israel and also has served as a Professor of International Economics at the University of Chicago. This wide-ranging experience has provided Dr. Frenkel with valuable knowledge and skills which allow him to make important contributions to the work of our Board.

8Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors

Paul J. Fribourg







Lead Director

Chairman of the Board President and Chief Executive Officer of Continental Grain Company, an international agribusiness and investment company. Mr. Fribourg is also a director of Estee Lauder Companies, Inc., Restaurant Brands International, Inc., and Bunge Limited. He was a director of Apollo Global Management, LLC.LLC from 2011 until 2018.


EXPERIENCE:Mr. Fribourg has had extensive and practicalhands-on experience as the Chief Executive Officer of Continental Grain Company, a major industrial company with broad international operations. This background gives Mr. Fribourg particular insight into many of the business decisions that come before our Board.

8Loews Corporation 2022 Proxy

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors

Walter L. Harris






Since NovemberFrom 2014 until 2019, President and Chief Executive Officer of FOJP Service Corporation, a provider of risk management services to hospitals, long-term care facilities and social service agencies in New York City, and Hospitals Insurance Company, a provider of insurance coverages and services to hospitals, long-term care facilities, physicians and healthcare professionals in New York State. Prior to that, Mr. Harris was an independent consultant, and from December 2010 until June 2013, he was Vice Chairman of Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. and Presidentthe Board of its wholly-owned subsidiary, T&H Group, Inc., an insurance brokerage firm.Directors of Watford Holdings Ltd. from 2014 until 2021.


EXPERIENCE:Mr. Harris has extensive experience and knowledge regarding the commercial insurance industry, which is particularly valuable to our Board in light of Loews’s significant interest in the insurance industry as represented by one of our principal subsidiaries, CNA.


Philip A. Laskawy






Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ernst & Young LLP, an international accounting firm. Mr. Laskawy is also a director of Henry Schein, Inc., Covetrus, Inc. and Lazard Ltd. He was a director of General Motors Corporation from 2009 until 2013 and Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) from 2008 until 2014.


EXPERIENCE:Mr. Laskawy brings to our Board extensive knowledge of and skills in financial and accounting matters, having served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of one of the largest public accounting firms in the United States. This qualifies him to serve as one of the two financial experts on our Board’s Audit Committee. Mr. Laskawy’s knowledge and skills are especially valuable to our Board in understanding and dealing with complex financial and accounting issues.


Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy9

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors

Susan P. Peters






Retired Senior Vice President of Human Resources of General Electric Company, a global digitalhigh-tech industrial company, a position which she held from July 2013 until December 2017. Prior to that she was Vice President, Executive Development & Chief Learning Officer at General Electric.Ms. Peters is also a director of Hydrofarm Holdings Group, Inc.


EXPERIENCE:Ms. Peters’ experience during her38-year career at General Electric, in which she held positions of increasing responsibility and which culminated in her serving as the chief human resources officer and a member of the senior leadership team, has provided her with deep domain expertise in talent management, operational optimization, executive compensation and leadership development at the highest level that will serve our Board extremely well.

Loews Corporation2022 Proxy9

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors

Andrew H. Tisch






Co-ChairmanRetired member of the Office of the President, a position which he held from 1999 until 2021, and Co-Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Loews. Mr. Tisch is also a director of our subsidiary, CNA. He was a director of K12 Inc. from 2001 to 2017, Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. (Diamond Offshore) from 2011 to 2020 and the general partner of Boardwalk Pipelines from 2005 until 2021.

EXPERIENCE: Mr. Tisch’s long tenure as a member of Loews’s Office of the President and, before that, in a number of other executive positions, has provided him with broad knowledge of and insight into Loews, its operations and the businesses in which it is engaged, and has enabled him to be instrumental in providing our company with both strategic direction and operational oversight. His direct experience in managing Loews’s business, as well as his institutional knowledge, is of critical importance to our Board in fulfilling its responsibilities.

James S. Tisch




President and Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Office of the President of Loews. Mr. Tisch is also a director of General Electric Company and our subsidiaries, CNA, Diamond Offshore and the general partner of Boardwalk Pipeline.subsidiary, CNA. He was also a director of K12 Inc.Diamond Offshore from 2001 to 2017.
1989 until 2021.


EXPERIENCE:Mr. Tisch has served as a member of Loews’s Office of the President since 1999 and, prior to that time, had served the company in a number of other executive positions, giving him extensive knowledge of Loews, its operations and the businesses in which it is engaged, and enabling him to be instrumental in providing our company with both strategic direction and day-to-day operational oversight. His direct experience in managing Loews’s business, as well as his institutional knowledge, is of critical importance to our Board in fulfilling its responsibilities.

10Loews Corporation2022 Proxy

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors

Jonathan M. Tisch




Member of the Office of the President and Co-Chairman of the Board of Loews, and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of our subsidiary, Loews Hotels.

EXPERIENCE: Mr. Tisch has served as a member of Loews’s Office of the President since 1999 and, prior to that time, had served the company in a number of other executive positions. This experience has provided him with broad knowledge of and insight into Loews and its operations and businesses and has enabled him to be instrumental in providing our company with strategic direction and operational oversight. Our Board and its Nominating and Governance Committee believe that hisHis direct experience in managing Loews’sthe Loews Hotels business, as well as his institutional knowledge, is of critical importance to our Board in fulfilling its responsibilities.


James S. TischAnthony Welters






PresidentFounder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, since 2021, of CINQ Care Inc., a physician-led, community-based ambulatory care delivery system that delivers whole person care in the home, whenever possible, to black and a member of the Office of the President of Loews.brown communities. Mr. TischWelters is also a director of General Electric Company, and our subsidiary, CNA, and Chairman of the Board of our subsidiary, Diamond Offshore.

EXPERIENCE: Mr. Tisch has served as a member of Loews’s Office of the President since 1999 and, prior to that time, had served the company in a number of other executive positions, giving him extensive knowledge of Loews, its operations and the businesses in which it is engaged, and enabling him to be instrumental in providing our company with both strategic direction andday-to-day operational oversight. Our Board and its Nominating and Governance Committee believe that his direct experience in managing Loews’s business, as well as his institutional knowledge, is of critical importance to our Board in fulfilling its responsibilities.

10Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Proposal No. 1: Election of Directors

Jonathan M. Tisch





Co-Chairman of the Board and a member of the Office of the President of Loews, and Chairman and, since October 2016, Chief Executive Officer of our subsidiary, Loews Hotels.

EXPERIENCE: Mr. Tisch has served as a member of Loews’s Office of the President since 1999 and, prior to that time, had served the company in a number of other executive positions. This experience has provided him with broad knowledge of and insight into Loews and its operations and businesses and has enabled him to be instrumental in providing our company with strategic direction and operational oversight. Our Board and its Nominating and Governance Committee believe that his direct experience in managing Loews’s business, as well as his institutional knowledge, is of critical importance to our Board in fulfilling its responsibilities.

Anthony Welters





Executive Chairman, since 2014, of Black IvyBlackIvy Group, LLC, a values-driven investment company thatwhich builds and grows commercial enterprises inSub-Saharan Africa, including logistics and infrastructure solutions and businesses that serve the growing consumer class, and Co-Founder and Chairman, since 2013. Mr. Welters served as Senior Advisor2017, of Somatus, Inc., a leading provider of value-based kidney solutions to the Office of the Chief Executive Officer of UnitedHealth Group Incorporated from 2014payors, health systems and other organizations seeking alternatives to traditional fee for service dialysis. From 2002 until his retirement in 2016. Prior to that he was Executive Vice President and a Member of the Office of the Chief Executive Officer of2016, Mr. Welters served in various senior executive positions at UnitedHealth Group and led its Public and Senior Markets Group. He joined UnitedHealth Group in 2002 upon its acquisition of AmeriChoice, a healthcare company he founded in 1989. He is also an attorney.Incorporated. Mr. Welters is also a director of the Carlyle Group and Gilead Sciences, Inc., and was a director of West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. from 1997 until 2016 and of C.R. Bard, Inc. from 1999 to 2017.


EXPERIENCE:Mr. Welters’ experience as a senior executive at a large, complex health insurance company, as well as his service as a director of several public companies and his work with numerous educational and philanthropic organizations, give him a range of knowledge and skills that are veryextremely valuable to our Board.


A number of institutional investors have requested the following disclosure: Two of our nine independent directors are female, and one of our independent directors is black.

Family Relationships.

James S. Tisch and Andrew H. Tisch are brothers. Jonathan M. Tisch is the cousin of James S. Tisch and Andrew H. Tisch.



Our Board recommends a voteFOReach of the nominees listed above to be elected as a director of our Company.

Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy11

Board Governance Information


Loews Corporation2022 Proxy11


Board Governance Information

Board Governance Information

Corporate Governance

Effective corporate governance is essential toreinforces our goal of building long-term value for shareholders. Our governance principles are detailed in our Corporate Governance Guidelines, which are reviewed annually and updated as needed, including in response to evolving best practices and regulatory requirements. We also have a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics which applies to all of our directors, officers and employees, including our principal executive officer, principal financial officer and principal accounting officer.

For more information on our governance practices and policies, please see “Corporate Governance Highlights” on p. 4 in the Proxy Summary section.



Governance Documents

The following governance documents are available on our website in the “Investors/Media” section under “Governance” at www.loews.com and are available in print to any shareholder who requests a copy by writing to our Corporate Secretary:


The following governance documents are available on our website in the “Investors/Media” section under “Governance” at www.loews.com and are available in print to any shareholder who requests a copy by writing to our Corporate Secretary:

▪    Corporate Governance Guidelines

    Compensation Committee Charter
    Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

  Audit Committee Charter

  Compensation Committee Charter

    Nominating and Governance Committee Charter

    Audit Committee Charter

Board Leadership Structure

Our Board’s current leadership structure consists of twoCo-Chairmen of the Board, Andrew H. Tisch and Jonathan M. Tisch, both of whom are members of the Office of the President, and a lead director, presently Paul J. Fribourg, who is also Chairman of our Board’s Nominating and Governance Committee. Loews’s Chief Executive Officer, and third member of its Office of the President, James S. Tisch, does not currently serve in a formal leadership capacity on our Board.

Our Board believes that this structure provides input, guidance and leadership for the Board from both senior management as represented by theCo-Chairmen of the Board, and thenon-management directors, as represented by the lead director, which assists the Board in effectively fulfilling its oversight role. Our Board also believes that the current exclusion of Loews’s Chief Executive Officer from its leadership structure helps to achieve an appropriate balance between the differing perspectives of management andnon-management directors during the course of its proceedings.

The lead director plays an important role in our Board’s leadership structure.Non-management directors meet in executive session after each regular meeting of our Board. The lead director chairs these meetings ofnon-management directors. Our lead director also currently serves as Chairman of the Nominating and Governance Committee, the principal Board committee charged with responsibility for the Board’s leadership structure. In this dual role, the lead director facilitates the ability ofnon-management directors to fulfill their responsibilities and provides a structure for communicating any concerns thatnon-management directors may have directly to Loews’s senior management.


12Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Board Governance Information



Board CommitteesGovernance Information

Board Committees

Our Board has a standing Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Nominating and Governance Committee and Executive Committee.

The following table shows the current members and chairs of each of our Audit, Compensation and Nominating and Governance Committees and their primary responsibilities.



CHAIR:Walter Harris




Lawrence S. Bacow        Ann E. Berman

Joseph L. Bower
Charles M. Diker

Paul J. Fribourg
Philip A. Laskawy


20172021 MEETINGS HELD:87


Each of the members is an independent director and satisfies the additional independence and other requirements for Audit Committee members provided for in the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange and the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Additionally, Ms. Berman and Mr. Laskawy have been designated as “audit committee financial experts” under the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.



The Audit Committee assists our Board in fulfilling its responsibility to oversee:


 the integrity of our financial statements;


 our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;


 the qualifications and independence of our independent auditors;


 the performance of our internal audit function and independent auditors;


 our systems of disclosure controls and procedures and internal controls over financial reporting; and


 cybersecurity risk management; and

 compliance with ethical standards adopted by Loews.


Our Audit Committee has sole authority to appoint, retain, compensate, evaluate and terminate our independent auditors and to approve all engagement fees and terms for our independent auditors.




CHAIR:Joseph L. Bower




Charles D. Davidson       Charles M. Diker

Paul J. Fribourg               Susan P. Peters


20172021 MEETINGS HELD:32


Each of the members is an independent director and satisfies the additional independence requirements for Compensation Committee members provided for in the listing standards
of the New York Stock Exchange and the
rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, prior to its amendment in December 2017.Commission. 



The Compensation Committee assists our Board in discharging its responsibilities relating to compensation of our executive officers. These responsibilities include:


 reviewing our general compensation philosophy for executive officers;


  overseeing the development and implementation of executive compensation programs; and


 reviewing compensation levels, including incentive and equity-based compensation, for executive officers, directors and Board committee members.members; and

 reviewing our management succession planning.


Our Compensation Committee determines and approves compensation for our executive officers and administers our incentive and equity-based compensation plans.


Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy13

Board Governance Information



Board Governance Information



CHAIR:Paul J. Fribourg




Joseph L. Bower          Jacob A. Frenkel

Anthony Welters
Walter L. Harris        Ken Miller

Anthony Welters


20172021 MEETINGS HELD:2 3


Each of the members is an independent director.



The Nominating and Governance Committee’s primary function is to identifyCommittee identifies individuals qualified to become members of our Board and recommendrecommends to our Board a slate of director nominees for election at our annual meetings of shareholders. It also recommends directors for membership on our Board committees.


The Nominating and Governance Committee also develops and recommends to our Board a set of corporate governance principles, which are detailed in our Corporate Governance Guidelines.


Executive Sessions ofNon-Management Independent Directors

Ournon-management independent directors meet in regular executive sessions without management participation. Paul J. Fribourg, who serves as our lead director, presides at these meetings.

Director AttendanceatAttendance at Meetings

During 2017,2021, there were seventhirteen meetings of our Board, seveneight meetings of our Audit Committee, twothree meetings of our Compensation Committee and threetwo meetings of our Nominating and Governance Committee. During 2017,2021, each of our directors attended at least 75% of the total number of meetings of our Board and committees of our Board on which that director served. Our Board encourages all directors to attend our annual meetings of shareholders. All of our directors then serving attended our 20172021 annual meeting of shareholders.


14Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Board Governance Information



Board Governance Information


Board Oversight of Risk Management

Our Board recognizes the importance of understanding, evaluating and, to the extent practicable, managing enterprise risk into the financial health of Loews and all its business enterprises.




As part ofOur Board is responsible for overseeing management in its oversight responsibility, our Board has Loews’s management provide periodic reportsefforts to systematically identify, assess and manage the principal risks facing the companyus and itsour subsidiaries, identify and evaluateimplement policies and practices that promote a culture that actively balances risk and reward,reward. Our Board exercises this responsibility, and evaluateevaluates our risk management practices. Thesepractices, through its Board and Committee meetings, during which it hears reports enablenon-management directors to conduct meaningfulon, and substantive discussions concerning these issues with senioractively discusses, a variety of risk management through the conduit of the lead director and during fullmatters. In addition, our Board deliberations.







MANAGEMENTregularly formally reviews our enterprise risk management framework.


Our management team is responsible for assessing and managing our various exposures to risk on a day-to-day basis, including the creation of appropriate risk management programs and policies to help determine how best to identify, manage and mitigate risks. Management is supported in these efforts by the groups described below. Management regularly reports to our Board and Audit Committee, including through executive sessions chaired by the lead director, on a variety of risk management matters.


Chair:Chief Financial Officer

Other Members: Representatives of Various Functional Areas 

ofDifferent Functional Areas

The Risk Council assists Loews’s management in reporting appropriate informationdeveloping and analysis regarding enterprise risk management toimplementing our Board. It reviews Loews’s enterprise risk management framework, including reviewing the strategies, policies, procedures and systems established by Loewsour and our subsidiaries’ management and each of its subsidiariesteams to identify, assess measure and manage the material risks facing us and our subsidiaries.

ESG Working Group 

Chair: Chief Financial Officer

Other Members: Representatives of Various Functional Areas

The ESG Working Group helps Loews’s management develop risk management and external reporting strategies with respect to environmental, social and governance matters.

Cyber Risk Committee 

Chair: Senior IT Leadership

Other Members: Representatives of Various Functional Areas

The Cyber Risk Committee helps Loews’s management evaluate and manage cybersecurity related risks across the Loews enterprise.

Business Continuity Working Group 

Co-Chairs: Senior IT and its subsidiaries,Corporate Communications Leadership

Other Members: Representatives of Various Functional Areas

The Business Continuity Working Group helps Loews’s management plan and periodically reportsprepare to be able to operate our Office ofcritical business functions during emergency events, such as the President, Board and Audit Committee.

COVID-19 pandemic.

Loews Corporation2022 Proxy15

Board Governance Information

Share Ownership Guidelines for Directors

Our Board has adopted minimum share ownership guidelines for directors who are not employees or officers of Loews. Under these guidelines, eachnon-management director will beis required to own shares having a value (determined as of the time the shares are acquired) of at least three times the annual cash retainer payable to directors (which is currently $100,000 per year). Directors will have until our 2019 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to accumulate the requisite shares. Newly elected directors will have until the date of the third annual meeting after they arewere first elected to accumulate the requisite shares. Shares owned by immediate family members or in certain trusts and unissued shares underlying restricted stock units will beare counted toward satisfying the requirement. Our Nominating and Governance Committee, or the committee chair acting by delegated authority, will havehas the authority to grant exceptions to the guidelines for hardship reasons should any arise.reasons.


Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy15

Board Governance Information

Director Compensation

During 2017,2021, each of ournon-management directors received a cash retainer of $25,000 per quarter and an annual award of restricted stock units (“RSUs”) having a value of $100,000 at the date of grant under the Loews Corporation 2016 Incentive Compensation Plan (our “Incentive Compensation Plan”). Dividend equivalent amounts accrue on these RSUs (in the form of additional RSUs) as dividends are paid on our Common Stock.

In addition, members of our Audit Committee each received a cash retainer of $6,250 per quarter, and the committee chair received an additional $10,000 per quarter. Members of our Compensation Committee and Nominating and Governance Committee each also received a cash retainer of $2,500 per quarter, and the committee chairs received an additional $5,000 per quarter. Our lead director received an additional quarterly retainer of $5,000.

All of our directors are reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with attending board of director and committee meetings.

Ournon-management directors may elect to defer some or all of their cash compensation under our Executive Deferred Compensation Plan, described in “Deferred Compensation,” below, and some or all of their equity compensation pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan.compensation.

The following table shows information regarding the compensation of ournon-management directors during the year ended December 31, 2017.2021.



Fees Earned or

Paid in Cash







               TotalFees Earned or
Paid in Cash

Lawrence S. Bacow



































Ann E. Berman



































$125,000$100,000 $0 $225,000

Joseph L. Bower



































165,000100,000 0 265,000

Charles D. Davidson



































110,000100,000 0 210,000

Charles M. Diker



































135,000100,000 0 235,000

Jacob A. Frenkel



































Paul J. Fribourg



































185,000100,000 0 285,000

Walter L. Harris



































175,000100,000 0 275,000

Philip A. Laskawy



































125,000100,000 0 225,000

Ken Miller



































Susan P. Peters110,000100,000 0 210,000

Anthony Welters



































110,000100,000 0 210,000


(1)These amounts represent the grant date fair value of RSUs, calculated in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (“FASB”) ASCAccounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 718. At December 31, 2017,2021, the aggregate number of RSUs outstanding for eachnon-management director was 2,139.1,725.


(2)Prior to 2016, ournon-management directors were granted stock appreciation rights (“SARs”) under the Loews Corporation Stock Option Plan (our “Stock Option Plan”). At December 31, 2017,2021, the aggregate number of SAR awards outstanding for eachnon-management director was as follows: Lawrence S. Bacow, 39,000; Ann E. Berman, 54,000;36,000; Joseph L. Bower, 60,000;36,000; Charles D. Davidson, 9,000; Charles M. Diker, 60,000; Jacob A. Frenkel, 49,500;36,000; Paul J. Fribourg, 60,000;36,000; Walter L. Harris, 60,000;36,000; Philip A. Laskawy, 60,000; Ken Miller, 57,000;36,000; Susan P. Peters, 0; and Anthony Welters, 20,250.


16Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Board Governance Information



Board Governance Information


Transactions with Related Persons

Our Audit Committee Charter requires our Audit Committee to review and approve all related party transactions required to be disclosed under Securities and Exchange Commission rules. It has been our Audit Committee’s practice, however, to review and approve or ratify any transaction, regardless of the size or amount, involving us or any of our subsidiaries in which any of our directors, director nominees, executive officers, principal shareholders or any of their immediate family members has had or will have a direct or indirect material interest, without the participation of any member who may be involved in the transaction. All such related party transactions are submitted to our General Counsel for review and reported to our Audit Committee for its consideration. In each case, the Audit Committee considers, in light of all of the facts and circumstances it deems relevant, whether the transaction is fair and reasonable to us.

Our Audit Committee reviewed and approved or ratified each of the following 20172021 related party transactions:

Andrew H. Tisch, James S. Tisch and Jonathan M. Tisch the members of our Office of the President, and members of their families have chartered our aircraft for personal travel from time to time. For the use of our owned aircraft, charters are done through an unaffiliated management company and the charterer pays us a fixed hourly rate plus a fuel surcharge which equals or exceeds ourout-of-pocket operating costs. For the use of an aircraft in which we hold a fractional interest, the charterer pays us a rate that closely approximates our incremental cost. The total amount reimbursed or paid to us in 20172021 in connection with this aircraft travel was $1,321,846.$930,447.

Joan H. Tisch, the late mother of Jonathan M. Tisch, a member of Loews’s Office of the President, leased an apartment at the Loews Regency New York Hotel pursuant to a lease approved by our Audit Committee in 2001. The lease became effective upon the death of her late husband, Preston R. Tisch, our formerCo-Chairman of the Board, in late 2005. The rent was stated in the lease and adjusted upward each year by an amount equal to the increase in the consumer price index during the prior year. Mrs. Tisch separately paid rent for another room at the hotel in an amount that was determined based on an analysis of market rates for comparable extended stay rentals at the hotel. Mrs. Tisch and her estate paid the hotel an aggregate of $922,050 for these rentals in 2017.

Alexander Tisch, son of Andrew H. Tisch, is employed as a Vice President in Loews’s Corporate Development Departmentof Loews and as Executive Vice President Commercial & Business Development atof Loews Hotels. Mr.Alexander Tisch anat-will employee, earned cash compensation (including bonus) of $978,769$1,377,980 in 20172021 and participated in benefit programs available to salaried employees generally. In February 2017,2021, he was granted 4,6147,460 restricted stock units under our Incentive Compensation Plan.

Benjamin Tisch, son of James S. Tisch, is employed as a Vice President in Loews’s Corporate Development Department. Mr.of Loews. Benjamin Tisch anat-will employee, earned cash compensation (including bonus) of $925,000$1,265,000 for 20172021 and participated in benefit programs available to salaried employees generally. In February 2017,2021, he was granted 4,6147,460 restricted stock units under our Incentive Compensation Plan.

Also during 2017, Loews provided members of the Tisch family with general office services and security services for which the company was reimbursed an amount that management believes to be a reasonable estimate of the value of these services. The total amount reimbursed for these services in 2017 was $178,278.

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Stock Ownership



Stock Ownership


Stock Ownership

Principal Shareholders

The following table shows certain information about all persons who, to our knowledge, were the beneficial owners of 5% or more of our Common Stockcommon stock as of March 9, 201815, 2022 (unless otherwise indicated). All shares reported were owned beneficially by the persons indicated unless otherwise indicated below.


Name and AddressAmount Beneficially OwnedPercent of Class

The Vanguard Group

100 Vanguard Blvd.

Malvern, PA 19355


T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.

100 E. Pratt Street

Baltimore, MD 21202

19,515,531(2)22,705,670 (1)7.0%

The Vanguard GroupJames S. Tisch

100 Vanguard Blvd.c/o Barry L. Bloom

Malvern, PA 19355655 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor

New York, NY 10065

17,015,466(3)19,667,564 (2)6.0   

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

383 Madison Avenue

New York, NY 10179


Andrew H. Tisch

c/o Barry L. Bloom

655 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor

New York, NY 10065


BlackRock, Inc.

55 East 52nd Street

New York, NY 10055

14,619,153(6)17,733,302 (3)5.5   

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

270 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10017

16,942,404 (4)5.2   

James S. Tisch

c/o Barry L. Bloom

655 Madison Avenue, 19th Floor

New York, NY 10065

16,571,955 (5)5.1   5.8%


(1)This information is based on a Schedule 13G report filed by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. on February 14, 2018.10, 2022 by The Vanguard Group (Vanguard). According to the report, T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.Vanguard has soleshared voting power with respect to 8,542,339320,218 shares, and sole dispositiveinvestment power with respect to 22,669,32022,010,468 shares and shared investment power with respect to 812,941 shares. Vanguard provides investment management services through mutual funds to our Employee Savings Plan and our non-qualified deferred compensation plans. Fees for these services are incorporated into the fund NAV and fully disclosed as a fund expense included in the fund’s expense ratio. As a result, these fees are paid by participants and not by us. Fees fluctuate based on participants’ allocation decisions. Fees paid to Vanguard for these investment management services are reviewed by the benefits committee administering our retirement plans.

(2)This information is based on a Schedule 13G report filed by The Vanguard Group, as an investment advisor, on February 9, 2018.14, 2022 by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (T. Rowe Price). According to the report, The Vanguard GroupT. Rowe Price has sole voting power with respect to 385,9947,953,650 shares and sole dispositiveinvestment power with respect to 19,221,65219,515,531 shares. The report was filedT. Rowe Price provides recordkeeper and administration services for our Employee Savings Plan. Fees for these services are paid on a quarterly basis by The Vanguard Groupparticipants and not by us. In addition, T. Rowe Price provides investment management services through mutual funds to our Employee Savings Plan and our non-qualified deferred compensation plans. Fees for these services are incorporated into the fund NAV and fully disclosed as a fund expense included in the fund’s expense ratio. As a result, these fees are paid by participants and not by us. Fees fluctuate based on behalf of itself and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company and Vanguard Investments Australia, Ltd.participants’ allocation decisions. All fees paid to T. Rowe Price are reviewed by the benefits committee administering our retirement plans.

(3)This informationThe amount beneficially owned includes: 11,457,441 shares held by trusts of which he is based ontrustee; 4,306,296 shares held by his wife or trusts of which his wife is trustee; 985,000 shares held by a Schedule 13G report filed by BlackRock, Inc. on January 23, 2018. Accordingcharitable foundation of which he is a director; 56,591 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs that are currently exercisable; and 46,388 shares underlying vested RSUs of which he deferred receipt that could be delivered to him within 60 days of March 15, 2022 if his service with the report, BlackRock, Inc.company terminated during that time. He has sole voting and investment power with respect to 15,554,65911,621,191 shares and sole dispositiveshared voting and investment power with respect to 17,733,3025,291,296 shares. The report was filed by BlackRock, Inc. on behalf of itself and its wholly owned subsidiaries, BlackRock Life Limited, BlackRock International Limited, BlackRock Advisors, LLC, BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V., BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, National Association, BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited, BlackRock Financial Management, Inc., BlackRock Japan Co., Ltd., BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG, BlackRock Investment Management, LLC, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited, BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited, BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A., BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited, BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited, BlackRock Fund Advisors, BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited, BlackRock (Singapore) Limited and BlackRock Fund Managers Ltd.

(4)This information is based on a Schedule 13G report filed on January 12, 2022 by JPMorgan Chase & Co. on January 24, 2018.(JPMorgan). According to the report, JPMorgan Chase & Co. has sole voting power with respect to 16,673,96816,622,605 shares, and sole dispositive power with respect to 16,936,12616,607,355 shares and shared dispositive power with respect to 5,225 shares. The report was filed by JPMorgan Chase & Co. on behalf of itselfFrom time to time, we and its wholly ownedour subsidiaries J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc.; JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association; JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited; J.P. Morgan Trust Company of Delaware; and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC.have had banking relationships with JPMorgan.

(5)This information is based on a Schedule 13D report filed by James S. Tisch, President and Chief Executive Officer and a director of the Company, on March 13, 2018. According to the report, theThe amount beneficially owned includes 1,409,189 shares held directly by him, 14,284,578includes: 14,832,391 shares held by trusts of which he is trustee, 145,000 shares held by trusts of which he and his wife are trustees, 635,000trustee; 955,000 shares held by a charitable foundation of which he is a director and 98,188director; 56,591 shares which he hadissuable upon the right to acquire upon exercise of SARs that are currently exercisable; 74,054 shares underlying vested RSUs of which were then exercisable.he deferred receipt that are deliverable to him within 60 days of March 15, 2022 in connection with his retirement on December 31, 2021 (subject to the six-month delay required under Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code); and 614 shares underlying unvested RSUs that will vest within 60 days of March 15, 2022. He has sole voting and investment power with respect to 14,832,391 shares and shared voting and investment power with respect to 955,000 shares.
(6)This information is based on a Schedule 13G report filed on February 1, 2022 by BlackRock, Inc. (BlackRock). According to the report, BlackRock has sole voting power with respect to 12,346,951 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to 15,791,95514,619,153 shares. He is the brother of Andrew H. Tisch,Co-Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Executive Committee and a member of the Office of the President of the Company, and the cousin of Jonathan M. Tisch,Co-Chairman of the Board and a member of the Office of the President of the Company.


18Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Stock Ownership



Stock Ownership


Director and Officer Holdings

The following table shows certain information, as of March 9, 2018,15, 2022, regarding the shares of our Common Stockcommon stock beneficially owned by each director and nominee, each executive officer named in the Summary Compensation Table and all of our executive officers and directors as a group, based on data furnished by them.


Name  Amount Beneficially Owned (1) (2)     Percent of Class


Lawrence S. Bacow


   9,929 (3)         *   


Ann E. Berman


   14,880 (4)         *   


Joseph L. Bower


   21,970 (5)         *   


Charles D. Davidson


   14,781 (6)         *   


Charles M. Diker


   18,746 (7)         *   


David B. Edelson


   79,880 (8)         *   


Jacob A. Frenkel


   12,524 (9)         *   


Paul J. Fribourg


   15,756 (10)         *   


Walter L. Harris


   21,746 (11)         *   


Philip A. Laskawy


   21,756 (12)         *   


Ken Miller


   32,657 (13)         *   


Susan Peters


   0              0%


Kenneth I. Siegel


   18,654 (14)         *   


Andrew H. Tisch


   15,451,859 (15)         4.8%


James S. Tisch


   16,571,955 (16)         5.1%


Jonathan M. Tisch


   7,669,048 (17)         2.4%


Anthony Welters


   9,357 (18)         *   


All executive officers and directors as a group

(18 persons including those listed above)


   40,038,190 (19)         12.3%

* Represents less than 1% of the outstanding shares.

NameAmount Beneficially Owned(1) (2) Percent of Class
Ann E. Berman24,478(3) 
Joseph L. Bower33,156(4) *
Charles D. Davidson27,050(5) *
Charles M. Diker27,449(6) *
David B. Edelson79,485(7) *
Paul J. Fribourg24,478(8) *
Walter L. Harris30,449(9) *
Philip A. Laskawy29,198(10) *
Susan P. Peters8,955(11) *
Kenneth I. Siegel6,993 *
Andrew H. Tisch15,918,650(12) 6.5%
James S. Tisch17,015,466(13) 6.9%
Jonathan M. Tisch9,942,451(14) 4.0%
Anthony Welters16,268(15) *
All executive officers and directors as a group (16 persons including those listed above)43,260,993(16) 17.5%


*Represents less than 1% of the outstanding shares.
(1)Except as otherwise indicated, the persons listed as beneficial owners of the shares have sole voting and investment power with respect to those shares.

(2)The number of shares included for shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan is the number of shares each person would have received had such person exercised his or her SARs, based on the fair market value per share of $51.05$61.75 for our Common Stock,common stock, calculated under the terms of our Stock Option Plan, on March 9, 2018.15, 2022.

(3)Includes: (i) 7,38510,816 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018; andexercisable; (ii) 2,54411,937 shares underlying vested RSUs of which the director deferred receipt that could be delivered to the director within 60 days of March 9, 201815, 2022 if the director’s service as a director terminated during that time.time; and (iii) 1,725 shares underlying unvested RSUs that will vest within 60 days of March 15, 2022.

(4)Includes: (i) 12,03610,816 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018;exercisable; (ii) 2,5447,828 shares underlying vested RSUs of which the director deferred receipt that could be delivered to the director within 60 days of March 9, 201815, 2022 if the director’s service as a director terminated during that time; and (iii) 3001,725 shares held by a charitable foundation as to which Ms. Berman has shared voting and investment power.underlying unvested RSUs that will vest within 60 days of March 15, 2022.

(5)Includes: (i) 13,2123,417 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable orexercisable; and (ii) 1,725 shares underlying unvested RSUs that will become exercisablevest within 60 days of March 9, 2018;15, 2022.
(6)Includes: (i) 10,816 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs that are currently exercisable; and (ii) 2,5441,725 shares underlying unvested RSUs that will vest within 60 days of March 15, 2022.
(7)Includes: (i) 42,443 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs that are currently exercisable; and (ii) 1,673 shares underlying vested RSUs of which the officer deferred receipt that could be delivered to the officer within 60 days of March 15, 2022 if his service with the company terminated during that time. In addition, Mr. Edelson owns beneficially 2,000 shares of CNA.
(8)Includes: (i) 10,816 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs that are currently exercisable; (ii) 11,937 shares underlying vested RSUs of which the director deferred receipt that could be delivered to the director within 60 days of March 9, 201815, 2022 if the director’s service as a director terminated during that time.

(6)Includes 2,247time; and (iii) 1,725 shares issuable upon exercise of awards granted under our Stock Option Planunderlying unvested RSUs that are currently exercisable or will become exercisablevest within 60 days of March 9, 2018.15, 2022.

(7)Includes 13,212(9)Includes: (i) 10,816 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable orexercisable; and (ii) 1,725 shares underlying unvested RSUs that will become exercisablevest within 60 days of March 9, 2018.15, 2022. In addition, Mr. Harris owns beneficially 1,830 shares of CNA.

(8)Includes 73,644(10)Includes: (i) 10,816 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018. In addition, Mr. Edelson owns beneficially 6,000 common units of Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP, a 51% owned subsidiary of the company, and 2,000 shares of CNA Financial Corporation, an 89% owned subsidiary of the company.

Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy19

Stock Ownership

(9)Includes 9,990 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018.

(10)Includes: (i) 13,212 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018; andexercisable; (ii) 2,5443,292 shares underlying vested RSUs of which the director deferred receipt that could be delivered to the director within 60 days of March 9, 201815, 2022 if the director’s service as a director terminated during that time.

(11)Includes 13,212time; (iii) 1,725 shares issuable upon the exercise of awards granted under our Stock Option Planunderlying unvested RSUs that are currently exercisable or will become exercisablevest within 60 days of March 9, 2018. In addition,15, 2022; and (iv) 6,000 shares owned beneficially by Mr. Harris owns beneficially 1,830 shares of CNA and 2,000 common units of Boardwalk Pipeline.Laskawy’s wife.


(12)Loews Corporation2022 Proxy19

Stock Ownership

(11)Includes: (i) 13,212 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018; (ii) 2,5445,271 shares underlying vested RSUs of which the director deferred receipt that could be delivered to the director within 60 days of March 9, 201815, 2022 if the director’s service as a director terminated during that time; and (iii) 6,000(ii) 1,725 shares owned beneficially by Mr. Laskawy’s wife.underlying unvested RSUs that will vest within 60 days of March 15, 2022.

(13)(12)Includes: (i) 13,11356,591 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisableexercisable; (ii) 74,054 shares underlying vested RSUs of which Mr. Andrew Tisch deferred receipt that are deliverable to him within 60 days of March 9, 2018;15, 2022 in connection with his retirement on December 31, 2021 (subject to the six-month delay required under Section 409A); (iii) 614 shares underlying unvested RSUs that will vest within 60 days of March 15, 2022; (iv) 14,832,391 shares held by trusts of which Mr. Andrew Tisch is trustee; and (v) 955,000 shares held by a charitable foundation as to which Mr. Andrew Tisch has shared voting and investment power. In addition, Mr. Andrew Tisch is the managing trustee and beneficiary of a trust that owns beneficially 106,100 shares of CNA.
(13)Includes: (i) 56,591 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs that are currently exercisable; (ii) 2,54446,388 shares underlying vested RSUs of which Mr. James Tisch deferred receipt that could be delivered to him within 60 days of March 15, 2022 if his service with the company terminated during that time; (iii) 11,457,441 shares held by trusts of which Mr. James Tisch is trustee; (iv) 985,000 shares held by a charitable foundation as to which Mr. James Tisch has shared voting and investment power; and (v) 4,306,296 shares held by his wife or trusts of which his wife is trustee as to which Mr. James Tisch has shared voting and investment power. In addition, Mr. James Tisch is also the managing trustee and beneficiary of a trust that owns beneficially 106,100 shares of CNA.
(14)Includes: (i) 56,591 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs that are currently exercisable; (ii) 9,383,932 shares held by trusts of which Mr. Jonathan Tisch is trustee; (iii) 251,928 shares held by a charitable foundation as to which Mr. Jonathan Tisch is the sole trustee; and (iv) 250,000 shares held by a charitable foundation as to which Mr. Jonathan Tisch has shared voting and investment power.
(15)Includes: (i) 6,669 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs that are currently exercisable; (ii) 2,150 shares underlying vested RSUs of which the director deferred receipt that could be delivered to the director within 60 days of March 9, 201815, 2022 if the director’s service as a director terminated during that time;time and (iii) 12,000(ii) 1,725 shares owned beneficially by Mr. Miller’s wife. In addition, Mr. Miller and his wife own beneficially 36,000 and 6,200, respectively, sharesunderlying unvested RSUs that will vest within 60 days of CNA.March 15, 2022.

(14)(16)Includes 18,654313,753 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018. In addition, Mr. Siegel has been granted SARs by Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc., a 53% owned subsidiary of the company, under its stock option plan for which he would have received upon exercise 266 Diamond Offshore shares had he exercised those SARs, based on a fair market value per share of $14.60 for Diamond Offshore’s common stock, calculated under the terms of its stock option plan, on March 1, 2018.exercisable.


(15)20Includes: (i) 98,188 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018; (ii) 14,743,671 shares held by trusts of which Andrew H. Tisch is the managing trustee (inclusive of 4,007,001 shares held in trust for his benefit); and (iii) 610,000 shares held by a charitable foundation as to which Andrew H. Tisch has shared voting and investment power. In addition, Andrew H. Tisch is the managing trustee and beneficiary of a trust that owns beneficially 106,100 shares of CNA and is a trustee of trusts that own beneficially a 25% interest in general partnerships that own, in the aggregate, 324,200 common units of Boardwalk Pipeline. In addition, Andrew H. Tisch has been granted SARs by Diamond Offshore under its stock option plan for which he would have received upon exercise 266 Diamond Offshore shares had he exercised those SARs, based on a fair market value per share of $14.60 for Diamond Offshore’s common stock, calculated under the terms of its stock option plan, on March 1, 2018.Loews Corporation2022 Proxy


(16)Includes: (i) 98,188 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018; (ii) 14,429,578 shares held by trusts of which James S. Tisch is the managing trustee (inclusive of 3,645,000 shares held in trust for his benefit); and (iii) 635,000 shares held by a charitable foundation as to which James S. Tisch has shared voting and investment power. In addition, James S. Tisch owns beneficially 5,000 shares of Diamond Offshore. In addition, he has been granted SARs by Diamond Offshore under its stock option plan for which he would have received upon exercise 1,994 Diamond Offshore shares had he exercised those SARs, based on a fair market value per share of $14.60 for Diamond Offshore’s common stock, calculated under the terms of its stock option plan, on March 1, 2018. He is also the managing trustee and beneficiary of a trust that owns beneficially 106,100 shares of CNA and is a trustee of trusts that own beneficially a 25% interest in general partnerships that own, in the aggregate, 324,200 common units of Boardwalk Pipeline.


(17)Includes: (i) 98,188 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018; (ii) 7,183,932 shares held by trusts of which Jonathan M. Tisch is the managing trustee (inclusive of 5,037,118 shares held in trust for his benefit); and (iii) 386,928 shares held by charitable foundations as to which Mr. Jonathan M. Tisch has shared voting and investment power.

Proposal No. 2: Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive Compensation


(18)Includes 3,823 shares issuable upon exercise of awards granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018.

Proposal No. 2:
Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive Compensation


(19)Includes 547,538 shares issuable upon the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan that are currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of March 9, 2018.

As required by Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

Based upon a review of filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and written representations to us, we believe that during 2017 all of our directors and executive officers complied with the reporting requirements of Section 16(a)14A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”).

20Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Proposal No. 2: Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive Compensation

Proposal No. 2:

Advisory Resolution to Approve Executive Compensation

As required by Section 14A of the Exchange Act and pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (the “Dodd-Frank Act”), we provide our shareholders with an annual advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation. This advisory vote, commonly known as a“say-on-pay” “say-on-pay” vote, is anon-binding vote on the compensation paid to our named executive officers as disclosed under the heading “Executive Compensation” beginning on page 22 of this Proxy Statement.

Our executive compensation program is designed to attract, motivate and retain highly qualified executives who are able to help achieve the company’s objectives and create shareholder value.value over the long term. Our executive compensation programs and objectives are described in detail under the heading “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” and the level of compensation paid to our named executive officers during the last three years is set out in the Summary Compensation Table and related information. Our Compensation Committee believes that our executive compensation program is effective in achieving our objectives.

This advisory vote to approve named executive officer compensation is not binding on our Board. However, the Board values our shareholders’ input and will take into account the result of the vote when determining future executive compensation arrangements.



Accordingly, our Board recommends a voteFORthe following resolution:


“RESOLVED, that the shareholders approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation paid to the company’s named executive officers as disclosed under the heading “Executive Compensation” in the Proxy Statement for the 20182022 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.”


Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy21


Executive Compensation

Executive Compensation

Executive Compensation

Compensation Discussion
and Analysis

Executive Summary

This Compensation Discussion and Analysis contains information about the compensation we pay to our executive officers whose compensation is required to be disclosed in the Executive Compensation tables that follow under Securities and Exchange Commission rules (“named executive officers”).


Our Named Executive Officers for 2021 were:


James S. TischDavid B. Edelson*Andrew H. Tisch**Jonathan M. TischKenneth I. Siegel

President and Chief Executive Officer, Office of the President

Senior Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerOffice of the President,
of the Board, Chairman of the Executive Committee
Office of the President,

of the Board, Loews Corporation; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, of
Loews Hotels Office

of the President

Senior Vice President


*David B. Edelson has informed us that he will resign as our Chief Financial Officer on May 10, 2022, and as Senior Vice President on June 30, 2022. He will remain a senior advisor after June 30, 2022. Jane Wang, currently a Vice President, will succeed him as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

**Andrew H. Tisch retired from his executive duties and the Office of the President on December 31, 2021. He continues to serve on our Board as Co-Chairman and Chairman of the Executive committee.

Who We are

Loews Corporation is a holding company. We own a controlling interestsignificant interests in a diverse portfolio of businesses, including:


CNA Financial Corporation is a property and casualty insurer (89%
(89.6% ownership interest)
Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc.Boardwalk Pipelines is a provider of offshore drilling services worldwide (53% ownership interest)Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP is a public master limited partnership that provides natural gas and liquids transportation and storage services (51%
(100% ownership interest)

Loews Hotels Holding Corporation (“Loews Hotels”), is an operator and manager of hotels (100%
(100% ownership interest).

Consolidated Container Company, LLC

Altium Packaging is a manufacturer of rigid plastic packaging (99%

(52.7% ownership interest)*

* Following our sale of 47% of Altium Packaging on April 1, 2021 to affiliates of GIC, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, Altium Packaging was deconsolidated from our financial statements and our investment in Altium Packaging is now accounted for under the equity method of accounting.

In addition, we had over $4.9approximately $3.4 billion of cash and investments at the holding company level as of December 31, 2017.2021.

22Loews Corporation2022 Proxy

Executive Compensation

Our primary function is to allocate our capital in a wayways that drivesdrive long-term value creation and returns for our shareholders. To do this we make decisions related to investments in our subsidiaries, repurchases of our shares, acquisitions and dispositions of subsidiaries and prudent investment of our cash and investment assets.


22Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Executive Compensation

In light of our business model, our most critical asset is our people — our human capital — including our senior leadership team that drives our capital allocation decisions. All of our executive officers and substantially all of our other employees are located in our headquarters office and a neighboring building in New York City. We not only compete for leadership talent with our and our subsidiaries’ peer companies, but also with New York City-based financial services firms, including investment and commercial banks, private equity funds, hedge funds, insurance and reinsurance companies and other sophisticated financial firms. Our compensation policies and practices are driven by our need to attract and retain highly qualified, financially sophisticated executive officers in this competitive marketplace and motivate them to provide a high level of performance for our shareholders.


Our Compensation Philosophy

We have maintained a consistent compensation philosophy for many years, which takes into account that the quality of our leadership has a direct impact on our performance. Our compensation philosophy is based on the following objectives:


Motivating superior long-term financial performance and the creation of shareholder value;value over the long term;


Discouraging unreasonable risk taking;


Aligning compensation with our long-term strategy and focus and the interests of our shareholders;

Providing market-competitive compensation;


Avoiding excessive compensation; and


Attracting and retaining high-caliber executive talent.


We believe in recognizing the performance of our executive officers primarily through a combination of cash compensation, made up of a fixed base salary and incentive compensation, and stock-based compensation, which, in 2017,2021, consisted of performance-based restricted stock units. Because cash incentive compensation and our restricted stock unit awards are tied to performance, a large majority of the compensation paid to our executive officers is performance-based and, other than their fixed base salaries, no compensation is guaranteed.


How We Structure our Executive Compensation Program

We structure our executive compensation to avoid the possibility of excessive compensation in any given year, including through:


the Compensation Committee’s ability to exercise negative discretion in determining cash incentive compensation;


setting what we believe to be reasonable, but achievable, performance targets for both cash incentive compensation and stock-based awards; and


setting target levels for cash incentive compensation that are generally based on the prior year’s levels and generally not paying cash incentive compensation in excess of these targets.pre-established target levels set by the Compensation Committee.

The result has been that the cash compensation paid to our named executive officers has not fluctuated significantly during the past five years.

We believe this structure provides ample motivation for our executive officers to maximize their performance and focus on the long-term success of the company, while deterring unreasonable risk taking with an eye toward short-term results.

Loews Corporation2022 Proxy23

Executive Compensation

The fixed base salary for our named executive officers has generally comprised substantially less than half of their total potential cash compensation, with the balance coming from our performance-based incentive compensation plan.Incentive Compensation Plan. In setting potential awards under that plan, our Compensation Committee sets what it believes are reasonable, but achievable, target levels, but reserves broad discretion to reduce or eliminate incentive compensation. The Compensation Committee also establishes maximum award levels that will not be exceeded.

Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy23

Executive Compensation


In selecting and allocating the elements of our executive compensation program, we have considered, among other things, our historical compensation policies as they have evolved over the years surveys ofand benchmarking information regarding executive compensation atpaid by comparably sized companies and information concerning the executive compensation programs of various companies engaged in businesses similar to ours and our principal subsidiaries as well as others with which we compete for talent in the New York City marketplace. To assist in gathering this information and benchmarking our executive compensation practices against the practices at these companies, our human resources group engaged the compensation consultant, Korn Ferry Hay Group. Korn Ferry Hay Group received fees of approximately $138,000 from us for this benchmarking work relatedSemler Brossy.

Our Goal is to our 2017 executive compensation program, and approximately $477,000 from us and our subsidiaries during 2017 for other consulting services unrelated to our executive compensation program.increase Shareholder Value Over the Long term

We also consider applicable tax and accounting impacts of executive compensation. See “Other Considerations — Tax and Accounting Considerations” on page 35.


Our compensation program is intended to align the interests of our senior executives with those of our shareholders. Our goal is to increase shareholder value over the long term and to reasonably reward superior performance that supports that goal. In establishing the aggregate amount of targeted compensation for each named executive officer, we do not rely on formula-driven plans, which could result in unreasonably high compensation levels and encourage excessive risk taking. Instead, aggregate target compensation is based on an evaluation of the individual’s performance, skills, leadership and expected future contributions in the context of our financial performance and seeks to achieve the objectives of our compensation philosophy set forth above. Based on these considerations, we determine an overall level of target cash compensation, a portion of which is to be paid as base salary and the balance of which is structured to be performance-based cash compensation, and a level of stock-based awards. We consider the aggregate compensation (earned or potentially available) to each named executive officer in establishing each element of compensation.



The COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in 2020, significantly affected the global economy, including certain of the industries in which our subsidiaries operate. The hospitality industry, in which Loews Hotels & Co operates, was particularly strained. In response to the pandemic’s impact on Loews Hotels & Co team members, and to demonstrate their leadership and dedication to Loews, each of James, Andrew and Jonathan Tisch voluntarily agreed to forego 50% of his base salary from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 and 50% of any annual cash incentive compensation award for the 2020 performance year earned under our Incentive Compensation Plan.

2021 Total Cash and Stock-Based Compensation

These charts show each of the three principal elements of our compensation program as a percentage of total cash and stock-based compensation for our Chief Executive Officer and other named executive officers in 2017.




Base Salary



Cash Incentive Compensation



Stock-Based Awards



Incentive Compensation: 82.2%83.3%




Base Salary


Cash Incentive Compensation



Stock-Based Awards



Incentive Compensation: 79.5%79.4%80.8%82.0%



24Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Executive Compensation


Executive Compensation

Say on Pay Vote

At our 20172021 annual meeting of shareholders, 90.4%92% of the shares voted approved, on an advisory basis, our executive compensation program. We believe these results representthis result represents a strong endorsement of our executive compensation philosophy and practices.


SAY ON PAY VOTE APPROVALSay on pay vote approval


In the last five years, we received an average approval of approximately 92% in our annual advisory vote of shareholders on our executive compensation program.



Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy25

Executive Compensation

Compensation Governance

We are committed to good compensation governance and design and administer our executive compensation program to be consistent with our business goals and in the best interests of our shareholders. In that regard, we:


maintain a fully independent Compensation Committee, which oversees all aspects of our executive compensation and monitors, reviews and approves all executive compensation decisions;


structure our cash incentive compensation awards to executive officers so that the Compensation Committee may exercise negative discretion over these awards;


structure our executive officers’ stock-based compensation to be performance-based;


have a clawback policy that allows for the recoupment of incentive compensation;

do not have employment agreements with, or guarantee compensation to, any of our executive officers;


do not maintain agreements with any of our executive officers to pay severance upon a change in
control; and


conduct an annual advisory vote of shareholders on our executive compensation practices. As noted above, weWe have received a large majority advisory vote in favor of our executive pay program every year since implementing this vote.

Compensation Program Structure and Process

The principal components of compensation for our named executive officers are:


base salary;


performance-based cash incentive compensation awards;


performance-based stock-based awards; and


retirement, medical and related benefits.

Each year, our Chief Executive Officer, after consulting with the other members of the Office of the President and our Vice President, Human Resources, reviews with the Compensation Committee the performance of each named executive officer and each other executive officer, and makes a recommendation to the Compensation Committee with respect to their annual compensation, including the setting of

Loews Corporation2022 Proxy25

Executive Compensation

parameters for cash incentive compensation awards and stock-based awards. The Compensation Committee then meets in executive session without the Chief Executive Officer present and makes the final determination regarding the compensation for our Chief Executive Officer and each of the other named executive officers, as well as our other executive officers. The other named executive officers do not play any role in their own compensation determination other than discussing their performance with the Chief Executive Officer, and neither our Chief Executive Officer nor any other executive officer participates in the Compensation Committee’s final deliberations on compensation matters.


Base Salary

The Compensation Committee has established the base salary for each of our named executive officers has remained unchanged at approximately $1 million per annumyear for at least the last fiveten years. Historically, this reflected the impact of provisions of the Internal Revenue Code which applied until 2017 to limitthat limited the amount of non-performance-based compensation we were able to deduct for federal income tax purposes to $1 million for certain of the named executive officers, except to the extent the compensation was considered to be “qualified performance-based compensation.” Theofficers. While these provisions providing an exemption for “qualified performance-based compensation” were repealed as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 passed in December 2017 and will not apply to compensation paid beginning in 2018. Nevertheless,are no longer applicable, the base salary established for each of our named executive officers will remain unchanged in 2018 at2021 remained approximately $1 million. In addition,million as the relative lower weight of base salary to performance-based compensation is consistent with the Compensation Committee’s belief that performance-based compensation should be the greater part of the compensation of each of our named executive officers.


26Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Executive Compensation

Cash incentive compensation awards



The largest portion of the compensation ofearned by our named executive officers in 20172021 came from cash awards under our Incentive Compensation Plan. This element of our compensation program ensures that a significant portion of each executive’s annual compensation is dependent on Loews’s annual achievement of a metric that we call “performance-based income.”


Defining Performance-based Income

Performance-based income is defined in our Incentive Compensation Plan as our consolidated net income as adjusted by the Compensation Committee under the terms of our Incentive Compensation Plan to account for specific factors that may impact our business, but which the Compensation Committee deems reasonable and appropriate to exclude or include in determining performance for incentive compensation purposes.

Process of Establishing Annual Incentive Compensation Plan as our consolidated net income as adjusted by the Compensation Committee under the terms of our Incentive Compensation Plan to account for specific factors that may impact our business, but which the Compensation Committee deems reasonable and appropriate to exclude or include in determining performance for incentive compensation purposes. The Compensation Committee may take into account, among other things, the potential impact on our earnings of realized and unrealized investment gains and losses, accounting changes, acquisitions and dispositions, charges relating to litigation, charges relating to reserve strengthening and adverse development associated with prior accident years at CNA, catastrophes and changes in legislation or regulation.




Establish annual performance bonus pool

First quarter of each year

First, the Compensation Committee establishes an annual performance bonus pool expressed as a percentage of our performance-based income for that year.

The performance bonus pool is not an expectation of the bonus amounts that will, in fact, be paid; rather, it sets the outer limit of compensation that can be paid to all executive officers in our incentive compensation program for the year.


The Committee allocates a portion of the performance bonus pool to each of the named executive officers and other executive officers who participate in the incentive compensation program.


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Executive Compensation


Establish Target Award

First quarter of each year

Then, the Compensation Committee establishes a target award (expressed as a dollar amount) for each participant, based on, among other things, an assessment of the individual’s expected performance.

The intention is that the incentive compensation award will not exceed the target award (even if the portion of the performance bonus pool allocated to a participant is in excess of the established target), except based on the Compensation Committee’s discretion.



Establish Maximum Award

First quarter of each year

Next, the Compensation Committee establishes a maximum award (expressed as a dollar amount) for

each participant, to cap the amount in excess of the target that the Committee may in its discretion award any participant.

A participant’s award cannot exceed the portion of the performance bonus pool allocated to the participant, and also cannot exceed the maximum award amount established by the Committee. In addition, it has been the practice of the Compensation Committee to retain negative discretion in the payment of awards, which allows the Committee to reduce or eliminate any award at its discretion.


Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy27

Executive Compensation


Define Performance-based Income

First quarter of each year

The Compensation Committee determines what adjustments should be made to our consolidated net income for the year to account for factors that it believes would not be appropriate to include when determining performance for incentive compensation purposes.

However, by reserving the ability to exercise negative discretion to reduce an award otherwise earned, the Committee retains the ability to take into account these excluded items and other factors it deems relevant.



Calculate Performance-based Income and Conduct Participant Performance Assessment

First quarter of following year

After the fiscal year ends, the amount of performance-based income earned for the year is determined.

Once this has been determined, the Compensation Committee reviews andre-assesses each participant’s performance in the context of our financial performance and seeking to achieve the goals of our compensation philosophy.

Based upon this review andre-assessment, the Committee awards incentive compensation out of each executive’spre-allocated percentage of the performance bonus pool.


The Committee, in its discretion, then determines whether to award incentive compensation that meets or exceeds the target award (up to the maximum award established for that individual) or that is lower than the target award. Historically, the Committee has exercised its negative discretion to limit awards paid to thepre-established target amounts.


Loews Corporation2022 Proxy27

Executive Compensation

How We Determined the Performance Bonus Pool for 20172021 Incentive Compensation

For 2017,2021, the Compensation Committee established at the beginning of 20172021 a performance bonus pool of 4%4.5% of performance-based income, which it determined was an appropriate level to recognize the performance of plan participants, which include all of our named executive officers and other executive officers.

As has historically been the case, there was no expectation that the entire performance bonus pool would, in fact, be awarded and paid out, as the Compensation Committee’s practice has been to exercise its discretion to pay bonuses amounting to only a fraction of the performance bonus pool. The potential for excessive compensation was further limited by the establishment at the beginning of 20172021 of target levels and absolute maximum amounts for each named executive officer and each other executive officer participating in our incentive compensation program.


In allocating the performance bonus pool and establishing the target and maximum awards for each named executive officer, the Compensation Committee took into account:


our compensation philosophy and objectives, which aim to reasonably reward superior performance while eschewing formula-driven criteria, which have the potential of providing unreasonably high compensation levels;


the individual’s duties, past and expected performance of those duties and compensation history; and


our goals of increasing shareholder value over the long term.

Negative discretion

An integral part of the implementation of the cash incentive compensation program by the Compensation Committee is the ability to use negative discretion for the award to each executive officer, allowing the Committee to reduce or eliminate any award notwithstanding the level of performance-based income. This gives the Committee the flexibility to appropriately evaluate the performance of each executive officer considering not only the level of performance-based income, but also Loews’s consolidated net income and the individual’s performance.


For each named executive officer, other than the Chief Executive Officer, the Compensation Committee also took into account the recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer. The Compensation Committee relied on these qualitative factors, together with its discretion to reduce awards below the target award as well as to pay

28Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Executive Compensation

awards up to the maximum amount, and determined not to establish other specific, quantitative criteria or numerical formulas of performance measures.


2021 NEO TARGET AND MAXIMUM AWARDS AND BONUS POOL ALLOCATIONTarget and Maximum Awards and Bonus Pool Allocation

The 20172021 target and maximum awards and the share of the performance bonus pool allocated to each named executive officer were established in the first quarter of 20172021 as follows:



Share of 4%

Bonus Pool Allocated

     Target Award     Maximum Award Share of 4.5%
Bonus Pool Allocated
  Target Award  Maximum Award 

James S. Tisch
























  18.5%  $3,950,000   $5,000,000 

David B. Edelson

























  17.5   3,725,000   4,750,000 

Andrew H. Tisch

























  13.4   2,850,000   4,000,000 

Jonathan M. Tisch

























  15.1   3,225,000   4,500,000 

Kenneth I. Siegel

























  16.9   3,600,000   4,500,000 

28Loews Corporation2022 Proxy


2021 Adjustments to Consolidated Net Income and Rationale

The Compensation Committee determined in the first quarter of 20172021 that net income should be adjusted to determine performance-based income for 20172021 as set forth below. However, by reserving the ability to exercise negative discretion to reduce an award otherwise earned, the Committee retainsretained the ability to take into account these excluded items (including, for example, impairments) and other factors it deems relevant when ultimately approving awards.


Adjustment identified in first quarter 20172021Rationale for exclusion

The effect of accounting changes

This item was excluded because:


by its nature it is not a cash item;


it is not within the control of the company or any named executive officer; and


it has the possibility of increasing or decreasing net income in ways that may not be predictable when performance-based income is established.


Net losses attributed to the impairment of goodwill or

long-lived assets

This item was excluded because:


it is not a cash item;


under generally accepted accounting principles, goodwill and
long-lived assets are accounted for using an impairment-based model under which the carrying value is subject to reduction, resulting in charges to income, based on a decline in fair value,
but the carrying value cannot be increased in subsequent periods
if fair values rise; and


doing so encourages management to approach impairment decisions objectively and impartially.


Any net income or loss attributablerelating to the impact ofnet reserve strengthening andand/or adverse dividend or premium development associated with asbestos and environmental pollution reserves at CNA for accident years prior to 2000, andand/or any favorable or unfavorable income statement impact of applying retroactive insurancereinsurance accounting to the losses ceded in connection with

CNA’s 2010 any and all CNA loss portfolio transfer


In 2010,From time to time, CNA enteredenters into a loss portfolio transfer transactions. For instance, in 2010, CNA completed a retroactive reinsurance transaction under which it ceded substantially all of its estimated legacy asbestos and environmental pollution liabilities wereto a reinsurer, subject to an aggregate limit of $4 billion. Additionally, in 2021, CNA ceded certain legacy excess workers’ compensation liabilities to a reinsurer. Accordingly, theThe Compensation Committee determined that any remaining charges related to thispre-2001 legacy business, as well as any net income which may result from thestatement impact of applying retroactive reinsurance benefitsaccounting relating to the lostloss portfolio transfer transaction,transactions should not be considered when measuring current performance.

Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy29

Executive Moreover, the Compensation

Adjustment identified in first quarter 2017Rationale for exclusion

Charges Committee determined that any net income or loss relating to net reserve strengthening andor adverse dividend or premium development at CNA associated withfor accident years prior to 2000 related to mass tort claims

The Compensation Committee decided to exclude these charges because it believes that the impact of these claims isshould not an appropriate measure ofbe considered when measuring current performance.

ChargesAny net income or loss relating to net reserve strengthening relating tofor CNA’s long-term care or benefit settlement option liabilities or relating to a charge recognized in connection with a disposition (or proposed disposition), a loss portfolio transfer or other transaction that is intended to fix or limit CNA’s exposure to itsrun-off Life & Group business

CNA’s individual and group long-term care businesses are inrun-off and its payout annuity business was inrun-off prior to its disposition in 2014. The Compensation Committee determined that any chargesincome statement impact from net reserve strengthening for CNA’s long-term care or benefit settlement option liabilities or a transaction that would substantially mitigateis intended to fix or limit CNA’s exposure to these legacy businessesits run-off Life & Group business should not be taken into account in measuring performance in 2017.current performance.
RealizedInvestment gains and losses

The Compensation Committee decided to exclude both realizedinvestment gains and realized losses because the decision to realize a gain or a loss is frequentlycan be a discretionary decision. Accordingly, by excluding realized gains and losses, any implication that an individual could be wrongly motivated in taking or failing to take a gain or loss in an effort to impact consolidated net income would be removed. In addition, a significant component of the company’s realized investment gains and losses

Loews Corporation 2022 Proxy29

Executive Compensation

Adjustment identified in recent years has included “other-than-temporary impairments” of investment securities. As is the case with respect to impairments of goodwill or long-lived assets, these impairments can only result in charges; any subsequent increase in the market value of an impaired security can be recognized only if that security is sold.

first quarter 2021Rationale for exclusion
Catastrophe losses of CNA in excess of, but not less than, CNA’s 2017 budgeted amount

The Compensation Committee excluded this item because the level of catastrophes that impact a property and casualty insurer is, of course, unpredictable and, accordingly, not an appropriate way to measure performance. On the other hand, performance-based income should not be increased just because of a low level of catastrophes in any year. The Compensation Committee determined that the amount for catastrophe losses budgeted at the beginning of the year — which at times has been higher or lower than the actual level of catastrophe losses — is preferable for measuring performance.

ChargesAny net income or loss relating to the disposition, by judgment or settlement, of smoking- and health-related litigation.litigation that is not related to the operations of the company’s continuing consolidated subsidiaries

The company’s former subsidiary, Lorillard, Inc., has been subjectownership interests in its subsidiaries change from time to numerous claims for damages related to its cigarette business allegedly resulting from actions taken many years ago. In connection with the 2008 disposition of Lorillard, Lorillard indemnifiedtime and the company and its current and former subsidiaries are from anytime to time parties to litigation. For instance, the company and all claimscertain of its Boardwalk Pipelines-related subsidiaries are defendants in litigation relating to the operation company’s 2018 acquisition
of its business, including smoking and health claims. In light of this, the Boardwalk Pipelines limited partnership units not already owned by the company’s affiliates. The Compensation Committee determined that any chargesnet income or loss relating to the disposition of litigation such as this nature wouldmatter should not be appropriate in determining performance-based income.

considered when measuring current performance.
Any net income or loss attributable to changes in deferred income tax assets and liabilities resulting from a change in income tax rates in 2017.2021

Several of Loews’s subsidiaries, by the nature of their business, recognize significant deferred income tax assets and liabilities, which have accumulated over many years. A change in the income tax rate could have a significant impact on these deferred tax items and on Loews’s net income since the impact in the year of this change would involve the entire historical balance of deferred tax assets or liabilities. The Compensation Committee determined to exclude this item since any change in income tax rates is, of course, unpredictable and not within the company’s control, and the resulting impact on net income and loss would not be a suitable indication of performance.

Any gain or loss on disposal of discontinued operations (but not income from operations of the discontinued operations)

The Compensation Committee determined to exclude both gains and losses from the disposal of discontinued operations in the belief that the results from a disposition, whether positive or negative, relate to the generally multi-year holding period of the asset disposed of, even though recognized in the year of disposal. Therefore, any such gains or losses could distort net income in the year of disposition.

30Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Executive Comensation


For 2017,2021, performance-based income ultimately amounted to $1,038$1,211 million compared to consolidated net income of $1,164$1,578 million.



Performance-based stock-based awards

The third principal element of our compensation program for named executive officers and other executive officers is stock-based awards, which in 20172021 consisted of performance-based restricted stock units (“PRSUs”).

The PRSUs, similar to the time-vesting RSUs granted in 20172021 to ournon-executive officers and certain other managerial and professional employees(“ (“non-executive RSUs”), have dividend equivalent rights (payable in additional PRSUs) and will vest in two equal tranches (subject to earlier vesting in the case of death, disability, termination without cause and certain retirements):


50% on the second anniversary of the grant date; and


50% on the third anniversary of the grant date.

In addition, for dividends, the PRSUs (along with non-executive RSUs) are credited cash (accruing interest each year at the one-year Treasury rate applicable in January of the year the dividend is paid) in respect of dividends paid, with such cash to be delivered to the executives only if and when the underlying PRSUs have been actually earned and vested.

30Loews Corporation2022 Proxy

Executive Compensation

However, unlikenon-executive RSUs, in addition to being subject to the same time-vesting terms asnon-executive RSUs, PRSUs granted to our executive officers are also subject to performance-vesting terms.

The performance-vesting terms make PRSUs dependent on the company achieving apre-established level
of performance-based income per share for 2017.2021. The terms of the PRSUs awarded in the first quarter of 20172021 provided that they would be earned by our executive officer recipients as follows (subject to the time-vesting provisions of the PRSUs):


At or Above Target

100% of PRSUs earned

At 50% to 100% of Target

Pro rata portion of PRSUs earned

Below 50% of Target

No PRSUs earned


In connection with the grant of PRSUs to our executive officers in the first quarter of 2017,2021, the Compensation Committee established the performance-based income per share target for PRSUs at $1.50$2.05 per share. The Committee did not make any changes to the 2021 executive compensation program or metrics after they were established in the first quarter of 2021, including to this per share target amount.

The ultimate value of stock-based awards under our Incentive Compensation Plan is directly correlated to our performance as measured by the price of our Common Stockcommon stock over the long term. The value of these awards increases and decreases directly with changes in the price of our Common Stock.common stock. In addition, unlike base salary and incentive compensation awards, which are earned and paid based on the annual performance of the individual and the company, PRSUs awarded in 20172021 vest over a period of three years. As a result, these awards encourage executives to continue their employment with Loews. These elements further serve to align the executive’s interests with those of our shareholders.

The Compensation Committee generally makes grants of stock-based awards in the first quarter of each year at the same time the Committee performs its annual management performance evaluation and takes other compensation actions. Annual equity grants for executive officers occur on the same date as our annual equity grants for our other officers and certain professional and managerial employees, which in 20172021 was the date of the Compensation Committee’s February 20172021 meeting. As the grant date for our annual stock-based awards generally occurs on the date of a Compensation Committee meeting in the first quarter of the year, the grant date is set well in advance when the schedule of Compensation Committee meetings is arranged. Loews does not grant stock-based awards in anticipation of the release ofnon-public information or time the release of this information based on stock-based award grant dates. We also at times grant stock-based awards to new executives when they are hired or promoted during the year. These grants are approved by the Compensation Committee (or, in the case of smallsmaller grants, by our Chief Executive Officer, as delegated by the Committee).


Loews CorporationEmployee Benefits 2018 Proxy31

Executive Comensation



Our named executive officers also participate in benefit programs available to salaried employees generally, including retirement and medical programs. For 2021, these retirement programs included our Employee Savings Plan under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code and our Deferred Investment Plan. In addition, prior to their freezing effective December 31, 2019, our retirement programs included a Qualified Retirement Plan, Benefit Equalization Plan and Executive Deferred Compensation Plan. In addition,Also, from time to time, we have provided one or more named executive officers with unfunded supplemental retirement benefits under the supplemental retirement agreements described under the heading “Pension Plans” below.on page 45. No supplemental retirement benefits were granted in 2017. Our Benefit Equalization Plan provides benefits that may not be paid2021. Additional information regarding our retirement programs is available under our Retirement Plan due to Internal Revenue Code limitations. Our “Pension Plans” on page 45 and “Deferred Compensation” on page 46.

Loews Corporation 2022 Proxy31

Executive Deferred Compensation Plan offers investment options similar to certain of those in our Employee Savings Plan and does not have any guaranteed rates of return.

20172021 Compensation to Our Named Executive Officers


The base salary of each of our named executive officers for 2021 was $975,000. This amount is unchanged from previous years, except that, as noted above, each of James, Andrew and remained at $975,000,Jonathan Tisch voluntarily agreed to forego 50% of his 2020 base salary, beginning on April 1, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on Loews Hotels & Co team members. The lack of increases in base salary is consistent with our objectives of emphasizing performance-based compensation.

CASH INCENTIVE COMPENSATION AWARDSCash incentive compensation awards

For 2017,2021, the Compensation Committee made cash incentive compensation awards to our Chief Executive Officer and each of our other named executive officers, which were paid in the first quarter of 2018.2022. In determining the amounts to be paid toearned by these executives, the Committee acted consistently within
the parameters of the grants that were established in the first quarter of 2017,2021, including the size of the performance bonus pool for the year. However, the Committee also exercised its business judgment, using essentially a qualitative, rather than formula-driven, approach based on the Committee’s overall judgment of the individual’s performance in the context of our financial performance and seeking to achieve the objectives of our compensation philosophy. The Committee did not make any changes to the 2021 executive compensation program or metrics after they were established in the first quarter of 2021.

In addition to the specific factors discussed below, the Compensation Committee considered:


its compensation philosophy in favor of fair and consistent pay levels and against excessive or unreasonable compensation levels;


an emphasis on consistent, long-term, superior performance by the individual;


its evaluation of the performance of each named executive officer based on direct observation, since each named executive officer regularly reports to the Board on the operations of the company and its subsidiaries; and


for each named executive officer other than the Chief Executive Officer, executive sessions with the Chief Executive Officer in which each named executive officer’s performance is reviewed and evaluated.

These factors were not weighted and there is no formula for how these factors were applied in determining cash incentive compensation awards.


32Loews Corporation2022 Proxy

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32Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Chief Executive Officer

In making its determination regarding the grant and payment of an incentive compensation award for 2021 to our Chief Executive Officer, James S. Tisch, the Compensation

Chief Executive Officer

In making its determination regarding the grant and payment of an incentive compensation award for 2017 to our Chief Executive Officer, James S. Tisch, the Compensation Committee first considered the overall performance of the company and its principal subsidiaries. The Committee also considered, among other things, its compensation philosophy against excessive or unreasonable compensation levels and its emphasis on consistent, long-term, superior performance by the individual.

Based on these considerations, at the beginning of 2017, the Committee modestly increased Mr. Tisch’s target bonus level, but did not increase his maximum bonus level for 2017. The Committee also retained negative discretion to reduce any award to what it determines is a reasonable level under the circumstances.

The Compensation Committee evaluated Mr. Tisch’s performance in 2017 Committee considered, among other things, the overall performance of the company and its principal subsidiaries, including in light of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, its compensation philosophy against excessive or unreasonable compensation levels and its emphasis on consistent, long-term, superior performance by the individual.

Based on these considerations, at the beginning of 2021, the Compensation Committee kept Mr. Tisch’s target and maximum bonus levels unchanged from the prior year. The Committee also noted that, as described above, Mr. Tisch voluntarily elected to forego 50% of his 2020 incentive compensation award in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Committee also retained negative discretion to reduce any award to what it determines is a reasonable level under the circumstances.

The Compensation Committee evaluated Mr. Tisch’s performance in 2021 and during recent prior years, considering the overall state of the markets in which Loews and its subsidiaries operate and the financial markets generally. This is consistent with the Committee’s philosophy of evaluating performance over the longer term to encourage and reward long-term value creation and to discourage unreasonable risk-taking. The Committee considered Mr. Tisch’s ability to demonstrate leadership and maintain stability and encourage prudent growth, cost-cutting initiatives and other strategies at Loews and our subsidiaries throughout the tumultuous year, and to prudently allocate the company’s capital to take advantage of market opportunities and protect against known risks.

The Compensation Committee noted the following accomplishments under Mr. Tisch’s leadership:  

  Loews repurchased more than 21 million shares, or 7.8%, of its common stock in 2021 and has repurchased approximately 85 million shares, or 26%, of its common stock since 2018, while consistently maintaining a very strong liquidity position;  

  the company’s capital to take advantage of market opportunities and protect against known risks.

The Compensation Committee noted the following accomplishments under Mr. Tisch’s leadership:

Loews’s book value per share (excluding accumulated other comprehensive income) increased approximately 17.3%22.8% during the past five years;


the company repurchased more than 4.7 million shares, or 1.4%, of its Common Stock in 2017 and has repurchased more than 61 million shares, or 15.5%, of its Common Stock over the past five years, while consistently maintaining a very strong liquidity position; and

the leadership teams at Loews’s principal operating subsidiaries remained focused and motivated to maintain stability through the pandemic in order to ultimately drive the most value from their respective companies, helped in part by the leadership of the company’s Chief Executive Officer and our other named executive officers.

As a result of these efforts, the underlying businesses of Loews’s subsidiaries have remained strong, even in certain challenging operating environments. For example:


As a result of these efforts, Loews’s investments in its subsidiaries have remained strong, even through the very challenging 2021 operating environment. For example:  

CNA has maintainedachieved strong underlying P&C underwriting profitability and premium growth while actively managing the risk in its long-term care business and maintaining an extremely strong capital position, which has allowed it to pay substantial dividendsposition;  

  Boardwalk Pipelines increased its operating results, added over $790 million to its shareholders, includingbacklog in 2021 and decreased its leverage;  

  Loews Hotels continued to stabilize its business through the company,pandemic, reopened all of its existing properties and moved forward with expanding its portfolio through new development projects; and  

  Loews realized 100% of its equity capital invested in recent years;Altium Packaging through a dividend recapitalization and the minority stake sale, while maintaining a 52.7% ownership position.

 Diamond Offshore has successfully reduced its operating costs while maintaining its focus on keeping its rigs contracted;

Boardwalk Pipeline Partners has continued to successfully execute its long-term growth strategy without the need to issue significant amounts of equity that would dilute its unit holders, including the company; and

Loews Hotels has continued to improve the operations of its portfolio of hotels and resorts.

Incentive Compensation DeterminationDetermination::The Compensation Committee determined in the first quarter of 2018, based upon his leadership and accomplishments discussed2022, for the reasons detailed above, to awardthat Mr. Tisch earned his target incentive compensation award for 2017 equal to his target award, which is a modest increase from last year.2021. This award is approximately 44%39.4% of the amount allocated to him from the performance bonus pool based on the level of Performance-based Incomeperformance-based income for the year.


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Executive Compensation


Loews Corporation 2022 Proxy33



Executive Compensation

Other Named Executive Officers (NEOs)

Similar to our Chief Executive Officer, each of our other named executive officers was granted a cash incentive compensation award in the first quarter of 20172021 that was paid in the first quarter of 2018.


Consistent with the Compensation Committee’s philosophy of targeting overall compensation that does not fluctuate substantially year over year, the target and maximum levels for the awards were modestly increased from last year for each of our other named executive officers whilefor 2021 were unchanged from the maximum levels were unchanged.

established for them for 2020. The Committee also noted that, as described above, each of Andrew and Jonathan Tisch voluntarily elected to forego 50% of his 2020 incentive compensation award in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In making its determination regarding the paymentamount of these awards toearned by these executives, the Compensation Committee considered many of the same factors described above that it considered for our Chief Executive Officer.Officer, including each executive’s performance through the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Based on its evaluation of each executive’s performance, including the input and recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, the Committee, in the first quarter of 2018,2022, awarded each of these other named executive officers incentive compensation equal to their target amount for 2017.


Incentive Compensation DeterminationDetermination::These incentive compensation awards amounted to approximately 44%39.4% of the total amount available in the performance bonus pool for each of the other named executive officers and are consistent with the Committee’s compensation philosophy in favor of rewarding consistent, long-term superior performance, but against excessive or unreasonable compensation.


Performance-Based Stock-Based Awards

In making its determinations regarding the award of PRSUs in 20172021 to our named executive officers, the Compensation Committee considered the same factors described above on page 2732 under “Cash Incentive Compensation Awards” as well as the level of stock-based awards previously awarded to these individuals. These factors are not weighted and there is no formula for how these factors were applied in determining the number of PRSUs granted.


PRSU Determination:Based on all factors reviewed, in the first quarter of 2017, the Committee awarded 19,405 PRSUs, representing a grant date value of $900,000, to each member of our Office of the President and 15,308 PRSUs, representing a grant date fair value of $710,000, to each of our other named executive officers. For 2017, performance-based income amounted to $3.08 per share, resulting in 100% of these PRSUs being earned by each of our named executive officers in the first quarter of 2018; however, these PRSUs still remain subject to their time-vesting provisions, with 50% of these PRSUs vesting in 2019 and 50% vesting in 2020.

34Loews CorporationPRSU Determination: 2018 Proxy

Executive Compensation
Based on all factors reviewed, in the first quarter of 2021, the Committee awarded 19,184 PRSUs, representing a grant date value of $900,000, to each of James, Andrew and Jonathan Tisch and 15,134 PRSUs, representing a grant date fair value of $710,000, to each of David Edelson and Kenneth Siegel. The grant date fair value for these awards for 2021 was unchanged from the grant date fair value of the PRSU awards made to our executive officers for 2020. For 2021, performance-based income amounted to $4.65 per share, resulting in 100% of these PRSUs being earned by each of our named executive officers in the first quarter of 2022; however, these PRSUs still remain subject to their time-vesting provisions, with 50% of these PRSUs vesting in 2023 and 50% vesting in 2024.


34Loews Corporation2022 Proxy


Executive Compensation

Other Considerations

Compensation Program as it Relates to Risk.Management and the Compensation Committee regularly review our compensation policies and practices to ensure they do not encourage excessive risk taking. This review includes the cash and equity incentive programs, which are discussed in detail above under “Compensation Program Structure and Process” beginning on page 25. Based on this review, we do not believe that our compensation program encourages excessive risk taking, due to, among many considerations, the following plan design elements:

Our program appropriately balances the three primary components of our executives’ compensation: base salary, cash incentive compensation and equity-based incentive compensation.

The Compensation Committee establishes reasonable, but achievable, performance targets for cash and equity-based incentive compensation in order to motivate our executives to create value for our shareholders over the long term while exercising prudent risk management.

Awards of cash and equity-based incentive compensation are capped, and the Compensation Committee has the authority to exercise negative discretion with respect to payouts of cash incentive compensation, limiting excessive rewards for short-term results.

Each of James and Jonathan Tisch, the members of our Office of the President, and Andrew Tisch, Co-Chairman of our Board, owns, and has owned for many years, a significant amount of our common stock, which strongly aligns their interests with those of our shareholders and encourages a long-term focus.

Our clawback policy, described below, allows for the recoupment of incentive compensation payments and awards if an executive officer’s conduct leads to a restatement of our financial results, which mitigates risk.

Clawback Policy.We have adopted a policy that allows for the recoupment of incentive compensation (cash and equity-based) paid or awarded to an executive officer if we are required to restate our financial statements due to material noncompliance with federal securities laws if that officer’s intentional or unlawful misconduct materially contributed to the need for such restatement. In such case, for any period affected by the restatement, the executive’s incentive compensation will be subject to recoupment to the extent the amounts paid or awarded were greater than the amounts that would have been paid or awarded if they had been calculated on the basis of the restated financial results.

Anti-Hedging and Pledging Policy.We have adopted a policy that prohibits directors and executive officers from entering into hedging transactions in our common stock. For purposes of this policy, a hedging transaction is the entry into, or purchase or sale of, any financial instrument (including prepaid variable forward contracts, equity swaps and collars), or the entry into of any other transaction, in each case for the express purpose of offsetting a potential decline in the market value of our common stock. For the avoidance of doubt, financial instruments and transactions subject to this policy do not include transactions in securities (or derivative instruments relating thereto) of any open-end mutual fund, unit investment trust or exchange-traded fund, or of any company that is not affiliated with us.

In addition, directors and executive officers are prohibited from pledging our common stock, options relating to our common stock or any other security linked to our common stock as collateral for a loan unless the director or executive officer has the ability to repay the loan without liquidating the pledged stock and the loan is fully recourse to the director or executive officer.

Employment AgreementsAgreements.. We have no employment or other agreements relating to severance or payment upon a change of control with any of our named executive officers or other executive officers.

Share Ownership Guidelinesby Executive Officers and Directors.. Although we have not adopted any share ownership guidelines for our executive officers, we note that, asAs disclosed above under “Director and Officer Holdings” on page 19, each memberof James and Jonathan Tisch, the members of our Office of the President, and Andrew Tisch, Co-Chairman of our Board, owns, and has owned for many years, a significant amount of our Common Stock,common stock, which strongly aligns their interests with those of our other shareholders.

Tax and Accounting Considerations. Our Compensation Committee takes into consideration the accounting and tax implications of our compensation and benefit programs, including with respect to the tax deductibility of compensation paid under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code generally limits the tax deductibility of annual compensation paid by public companies to certain executive officers to $1 million. Prior to the enactment of the tax reform legislation in December 2017, Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code provided an exemption from this limitation for “qualified performance-based compensation,” which we historically relied on to obtain a tax deduction for performance-based compensation paid to our named executive officers, including cash incentive compensation and PRSUs awarded in 2017. However, the tax reform legislation repealed the “qualified performance-based compensation” exemption under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017.

Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy35

Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation


Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation 

Compensation Committee

Report on Executive Compensation


In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis with Loews’s management. Based on this review and discussion, the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this Proxy Statement.

By the Compensation Committee:

Joseph L. Bower, Chairman

Charles D. Davidson

Charles M. Diker

Paul J. Fribourg

Susan P. Peters

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

None of the members of our Compensation Committee has ever been an officer or employee of Loews, or is a participant in a transaction disclosed, or required to be disclosed, under the heading “Transactions with Related Persons,” on page 17. None of our executive officers serves as a member of the compensation committee or board of directors of any entity that has an executive officer serving on our Compensation Committee or as a director of the company.


36Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Executive Compensation Tables


Executive Compensation Tables 

20172021 Executive

Compensation Tables

20172021 Summary Compensation Table

The following table shows information for the years indicated regarding the compensation of our named executive officers for services in all capacities to us and our subsidiaries.


























in Pension

Value and













All Other




  SEC Total    

SEC Total


Change in










James S. Tisch


President and Chief Executive Officer, Office of the President






































































































































































David B. Edelson


Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer





































































































































































Andrew H. Tisch


Co-Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Office of the President






































































































































































Jonathan M. Tisch


Co-Chairman of the Board, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Loews Hotels, Office of the President





































































































































































Kenneth I. Siegel


Senior Vice President



































































































































































YearSalary Stock


Non-Equity Incentive
Plan Compensation(3)

in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings(4)

All Other
 SEC TotalSEC Total Without
Change in Pension

James S. Tisch

President and Chief Executive Officer, Office of the President

2021$975,000 $900,000 $0 $3,950,000 $0 $294,523(6)$6,119,523$6,119,523 
900,000 6,640 3,950,000(8)1,169,051 289,847 6,966,1635,797,112 
2019975,000 900,000 15,001 3,825,000 3,575,197 42,121 9,332,3195,757,122 

David B. Edelson

Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

2021975,000 710,000 0 3,725,000 67,560 252,500(9)5,730,0605,662,500 
20201,012,500 710,000 0 3,725,000 257,464 251,125 5,956,0895,698,625 
2019975,000 710,000 0 3,625,000 610,744 16,200 5,936,9445,326,200 

Andrew H. Tisch

Co-Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Former Member of the Office of the President

2021975,000 900,000 0 2,850,000 0 242,379(10)4,967,3794,967,379 
900,000 6,640 2,850,000(8)628,396 231,535 5,267,1964,638,800 
2019975,000 900,000 15,001 2,725,000 2,665,120 42,450 7,322,5714,657,451 

Jonathan M. Tisch

Co-Chairman of the Board, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Loews Hotels, Office of the President

2021975,000 900,000 0 3,225,000 0 264,741(11)5,364,7415,364,741 
900,000 0 3,225,000(8)1,043,696 262,718 6,082,0395,038,343 
2019975,000 900,000 0 3,100,000 2,971,084 29,911 7,975,9955,004,911 

Kenneth I. Siegel

Senior Vice President

2021975,000 710,000 0 3,600,000 58,580 246,250(12)5,589,8305,531,250 
20201,012,500 710,000 6,640 3,600,000 100,421 242,375 5,671,9365,571,515 
2019975,000 710,000 15,001 3,450,000 353,762 16,200 5,519,9635,166,201 


(1)These amounts includerepresent the aggregate grant date fair value computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718 of RSUsPRSUs granted pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan and SARs granted pursuant to our Stock Option Plan, which preceded it through December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.Plan.

(2)These amounts represent awards under our Incentive Compensation Plan and its predecessor plan for the years indicated, which were paid to the named executive officers in February of the following years.

Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy37

Executive Compensation Tables

(3)These amounts represent the actuarial increase, if any, in the present value of retirement benefits of each named executive officer under our retirement plans and, with respect to James S. Tisch, Andrew H. Tisch and Jonathan M. Tisch, supplemental retirement agreements as of December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015 over the value of those benefits as of December 31, 2016, 2015 and 2014, respectively, all as determined using the same interest rate and other assumptions as those used in our financial statements in those respective years. The changes from year to year primarily represent changes in actuarial pension assumptions and, to a lesser extent, increases in service, age and compensation. For an estimate of the pension benefits accrued for and which may become payable to the named executive officers and the assumptions used in calculating those amounts, please see the 2017 Pension Benefits Table on page 49 of this Proxy Statement.

(4)We have included this column to show how year over year changes in pension value impact total compensation as determined under SEC rules. The amounts reported in this column are calculated by subtracting the amounts reported in the Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings column, as described in footnote 3 to this table, from the amounts reported in the table’s SEC Total column. The amounts reported in this column in some cases differ substantially from, and are not a substitute for, the amounts reported in the table’s SEC Total column.

(5)Includes $168,332, $279,531 and $359,492, representing the aggregate grant date fair value computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718 for the years ended December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively, of awards of SARs granted pursuant to Diamond Offshore’sthe stock option plan of our former subsidiary, Diamond Offshore, as compensation for service by James S. Tisch, Andrew H. Tisch and Kenneth I. Siegel as chairman of the boarddirectors of Diamond Offshore during 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.Offshore. The aggregate grant date fair value of these awards was estimated using the Black-Scholes pricing model assuming, with respect to the awards granted in each of 2017, 20162020 and 20152019: (a) an expected life of: seven (7) years, seven (7)of eight years and six (6)seven years, respectively; (b) an expected

Loews Corporation 2022 Proxy37

Executive Compensation Tables 

volatility of: 31.70%, 45.79%of 127.65% and 55.12%39.35%, respectively; (c) a dividend yield of:of 0%, 0.60% and 1.70%, respectively; for each award year; and (d) a risk-free interest rate of 2.09%, 1.46%1.85% and 1.66%2.11%, respectively. Expected life and volatility of awards is based on historical data. The dividend yield is based on the current regular dividend rate in effect and the current market price at the time of grant. Risk-free interest rates are determined using the U.S. Treasury yield curve at the time of grant with a term equal to the expected life of the options and SARs.awards. This information has beenwas provided by Diamond Offshore.

(6)Includes the portion of the expense of a car and driver we provide to each member of our Office of the President attributable to personal use during 2017, as follows: (a) $9,197 for James S. Tisch; (b) $15,585 for Andrew H. Tisch; and (c) $31,667 for Jonathan M. Tisch. (3)These amounts represent approximately 6%, 11%awards under our Incentive Compensation Plan for the years indicated, which were paid to the named executive officers in February of the following years.

(4)These amounts represent the actuarial increase, if any, in the present value of retirement benefits of each named executive officer under our retirement plans and, 21%with respect to James S. Tisch, Andrew H. Tisch and Jonathan M. Tisch, supplemental retirement agreements as of December 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019 over the value of those benefits as of December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018, respectively, all as determined using the same interest rate and other assumptions as those used in our annual costs associated with the car and driver providedfinancial statements in those respective years. These amounts for James S. Tisch, Andrew H. Tisch and Jonathan M. Tisch respectively,decreased from December 31, 2020 to December 31, 2021 by $1,613,733, $1,358,801 and $1,260,422, respectively. The changes from year to year primarily represent changes in 2017.actuarial pension assumptions. For an estimate of the pension benefits accrued for and which may become payable to the named executive officers and the assumptions used in calculating those amounts, please see the 2021 Pension Benefits table on page 45 of this Proxy Statement.

(7)Includes(5)We have included this column to show how year over year changes in pension value impact total compensation as determined under SEC rules.
The amounts reported in this column are calculated by subtracting the amounts reported in the Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings column from the amounts reported in the table’s SEC Total column. The amounts reported in this column in some cases differ substantially from, and are not a substitute for, the amounts reported in the table’s SEC Total column. To determine our named executive officers, we have used the amounts in the SEC Total column.

(6)All Other Compensation for 2021 for James S. Tisch includes: (a) $10,600,$231,750, representing our contributions under our EmployeesDeferred Investment Plan for 2021; (b) $29,000, representing our contributions under our Employee Savings Plan for 2017; (b) $13,750,2021; (c) $21,467, representing the portion of the expense of a car and driver that is attributable to Mr. Tisch’s personal use during 2021, which personal portion is determined based on the amount of car miles and driver hours that were associated with such personal use as compared to the total car miles and driver hours for the year; (d) $9,306 representing the aggregate incremental cost of discounted hotel rooms granted by Loews Hotels & Co to Mr. Tisch or his family in connection with personal travel during 2021, which is calculated as the difference between the market value of the rooms occupied by Mr. Tisch or his family and the price paid for such rooms; and (e) $3,000, representing additional cash compensation paid or applied to the cost of benefit choices under our flexible benefits plan, which may include among other things, premiums onfor medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance policies, for 2017; and (c) $58,000, representing directors’ fees paid by CNA for 2017.2021.

(7)In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, each of the members of our Office of the President, James, Andrew and Jonathan Tisch, voluntarily agreed to reduce his base salary by 50% from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. As a result, they received $650,625 in base salary during 2020, instead of $975,000 received in prior years.

(8)IncludesIn response to the COVID-19 pandemic, each of the members of our Office of the President, James, Andrew and Jonathan Tisch, voluntarily agreed to waive receipt of 50% of any annual cash incentive compensation award for the 2020 performance year earned under our Incentive Compensation Plan. As a result of those waivers, while James, Andrew and Jonathan Tisch each earned the awards set forth under the “Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation” column in the Summary Compensation Table, they were actually paid $1,975,000, $1,425,000 and $1,612,500, respectively.

(9)All Other Compensation for 2021 for David B. Edelson includes: (a) $10,600,$220,500, representing our contributions under our EmployeesDeferred Investment Plan for 2021; (b) $29,000, representing our contributions under our Employee Savings Plan for 2017;2021; and (b) $13,750,(c) $3,000, representing additional cash compensation paid or applied to the cost of benefit choices under our flexible benefits plan, which may include among other things, premiums onfor medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance policies, for 2017.2021.

(10)All Other Compensation for 2021 for Andrew H. Tisch includes: (a) $176,750, representing our contributions under our Deferred Investment Plan for 2021; (b) $29,000, representing our contributions under our Employee Savings Plan for 2021; (c) $33,629, representing the portion of the expense of a car and driver that is attributable to Mr. Tisch’s personal use during 2021, which personal portion is determined based on the amount of car miles and driver hours that were associated with such personal use as compared to the total car miles and driver hours for the year; and (d) $3,000, representing additional cash compensation paid or applied to the cost of benefit choices under our flexible benefits plan, which may include premiums for medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance policies, for 2021.

(11)All Other Compensation for 2021 for Jonathan M. Tisch includes: (a) $212,900, representing our contributions under our Deferred Investment Plan for 2021; (b) $11,600, representing our contributions under our Employee Savings Plan for 2021; (c) $37,241, representing the portion of the expense of a car and driver that is attributable to Mr. Tisch’s personal use during 2021, which personal portion is determined based on the amount of car miles and driver hours that were associated with such personal use as compared to the total car miles and driver hours for the year; and (d) $3,000, representing additional cash compensation paid or applied to the cost of benefit choices under our flexible benefits plan, which may include premiums for medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance policies, for 2021.

(12)All Other Compensation for 2021 for Kenneth I. Siegel includes: (a) $214,250, representing our contributions under our Deferred Investment Plan for 2021; (b) $29,000, representing our contributions under our Employee Savings Plan for 2021; and (c) $3,000, representing additional cash compensation paid or applied to the cost of benefit choices under our flexible benefits plan, which may include premiums for medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance policies, for 2021.


(9)Includes $22,444, $37,271and $47,932, representing the aggregate grant date fair value computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718 for the years ended on December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively, of awards granted pursuant to Diamond Offshore’s stock option plan as compensation for service as a member of the board of Diamond Offshore during 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively, estimated using the same pricing model and assumptions described in footnote (5) above.

NARRATIVE DISCUSSION OF SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLENarrative Discussion of Summary Compensation Table

For more information about the components of compensation reported in the Summary Compensation Table or any of the tables in “Compensation Plans” starting on page 39, including performance-based conditions and vesting schedule, and dividend equivalent rights, please read the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” beginning on page 22.


38Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Executive Compensation Tables


Executive Compensation Tables

Compensation Plans

The following table shows information regarding awards granted to each of our named executive officers under our Incentive Compensation Plan during 2017.2021.


(LOEWS)2021 Grants of Plan-Based Awards



Estimated Future Payouts Under

Non-Equity Incentive Plan  Awards (1)


Estimated Future Payouts Under

Equity Incentive Plan Awards (2)



Market Price


Grant Date

Fair Value of

Stock and

Grant Date























on Date of








James S. Tisch











































































David B. Edelson











































































Andrew H. Tisch











































































Jonathan M. Tisch











































































Kenneth I. Siegel









































































Grant Date Estimated Future Payouts Under
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards (1)
 Estimated Future Payouts Under
Equity Incentive Plan Awards (2)
Market Price
on Date of Grant
Grant Date
Fair Value of Stock and Options
TargetMaximum ThresholdTargetMaximum 
James S. Tisch
02/8/21    9,59219,18419,184 $48.42$900,000
02/8/21 $3,950,000$5,000,000       
David B. Edelson
02/8/21    7,56715,13415,134 48.42710,000
02/8/21 3,725,0004,750,000       
Andrew H. Tisch
02/8/21    9,59219,18419,184 48.42900,000
02/8/21 2,850,0004,000,000       
Jonathan M. Tisch
02/8/21    9,59219,18419,184 48.42900,000
02/8/21 3,225,0004,500,000       
Kenneth I. Siegel
02/8/21    7,56715,13415,134 48.42710,000
02/8/21 3,600,0004,500,000       


(1)These amounts represent target and maximum awards established under our Incentive Compensation Plan. The actual amount of each award earned and authorized for payment by our Compensation Committee in February 20182022 is included in the 20172021 Summary Compensation Table above under the heading“Non-Equity “Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation.” Cash awards under our Incentive Compensation Plan are not subject to thresholds, but instead consist of an amount equal to a proportion of that percentage of our performance-based income established by our Compensation Committee as our annual performance goal, subject to the target and maximum amounts set forth on the table above. Please read our “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” under the heading “Compensation Program Structure and Process — Cash Incentive Compensation Awards,” on page 27,26, for more information concerning awards under our Incentive Compensation Plan.


(2)These amounts represent threshold, target and maximum awards of PRSUs granted under our Incentive Compensation Plan. The actual grant date fair value computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718 of each award authorized for issuance by our Compensation Committee in February 20172021 is included in the Summary Compensation Table above under the heading “Stock Awards.” Please read our “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” under the heading “Compensation Program Structure and Process — Performance-Based Stock-Based Awards,” on page 31,30, for more information concerning awards under our Incentive Compensation Plan.


Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy39

Executive Compensation Tables



Executive Compensation Tables


The following table shows information provided by Diamond Offshore regarding grants to James S. Tisch, Andrew H. Tisch and Kenneth I. Siegel under Diamond Offshore’s stock option plan during 2017.



Grant Date




Action Date






All Other Option/SAR

Awards; Number of

Securities Underlying










Exercise or Base Price

of Option/SAR Awards







Closing Market Price

on Date of Grant






Grant Date Fair

Value of Stock and

Option/SAR Awards



James S. Tisch





























































































































Andrew H. Tisch





























































































































Kenneth I. Siegel




























































































































(1)These amounts represent awards of SARs granted to Kenneth I. Siegel, Andrew H. Tisch and James S. Tisch by Diamond Offshore under its stock option plan. In October 2016 Diamond Offshore’s board of directors established an annual award to itsnon-management directors, which was granted in four increments over the course of 2017. Each SAR reported above vested and became exercisable with respect to 100% of its underlying securities on the date it was granted.

(2)The exercise prices were calculated in accordance with Diamond Offshore’s stock option plan by averaging the high and low sales prices of Diamond Offshore’s common stock as traded on The New York Stock Exchange on the business day immediately preceding the grant date.

(3)The New York Stock Exchange was not open for trading on the grant dates, so the prices in this column reflect the closing market price on the last trading day prior to each grant date.

40Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Executive Compensation Tables

The following table showstables show information regarding SARs granted to each of our named executive officers under our Stock Option Plan and PRSUs granted to each of our named executive officers under our Incentive Compensation Plan that were outstanding as of December 31, 2017.2021.


(LOEWS COMMON STOCK)2021 Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End


Option/SAR Awards (1)Option/SAR Awards (1)      Stock AwardsOption/SAR Awards (1) Stock Awards (2)

Number of







Number of








        Exercise Price



    Expiration Date


    Equity Incentive Plan

Awards; Number of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other Rights

That Have Not Vested


    Equity Incentive Plan
Awards; Market or

Payout Value of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other Rights

    That Have Not Vested

Number of
Unexercised Options/SARs Unexercisable
Exercise Price
Expiration Date
 Number of Shares or Units of Stock that Have Not VestedMarket Value of Shares or Units of Stock that Have Not VestedEquity Incentive Plan Awards: Number of Unearned Shares,
Units or
Other Rights
That Have Not Vested
Equity Incentive Plan Awards: Market or
Payout Value of
Unearned Shares,
Units or
Other Rights
That Have Not Vested

James S. Tisch

James S. Tisch

               James S. Tisch


  0  $49.17  01/08/18         0$41.9301/08/23  


  0  40.34  01/08/18         043.8901/08/23  


  0  47.71  01/08/18         044.4401/08/23  


  0  38.38  01/08/18         046.9901/08/23  


  0  27.00  01/13/19         046.5801/14/24  


  0  21.74  01/13/19         043.3701/14/24  


  0  27.21  01/13/19         043.8301/14/24  


  0  34.64  01/13/19         041.9801/14/24  


  0  37.92  01/12/20         040.4601/09/25  


  0  37.26  01/12/20         040.6101/09/25  


  0  33.12  01/12/20         038.4601/09/25  


  0  37.82  01/12/20         035.5201/09/25  


  0  39.81  01/11/21         


  0  43.14  01/11/21         


  0  42.02  01/11/21         


  0  35.04  01/11/21         


  0  37.86  01/10/22         


  0  39.41  01/10/22         


  0  39.80  01/10/22         


  0  41.14  01/10/22         


  0  41.93  01/08/23         


  0  43.89  01/08/23         


  0  44.44  01/08/23         


  0  46.99  01/08/23         


  3,750  46.58  01/14/24         


  3,750  43.37  01/14/24         


  3,750  43.83  01/14/24         


  3,750  41.98  01/14/24         


  7,500  40.46  01/09/25         


  7,500  40.61  01/09/25      


  7,500  38.46  01/09/25         


  7,500  35.52  01/09/25         




  $2,240,794  26,361$1,522,61119,184$1,108,068



Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy41

Executive Compensation Tables

Option/SAR Awards (1)      Stock Awards

Number of







Number of








        Exercise Price



    Expiration Date


Equity Incentive Plan

Awards; Number of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other Rights

    That Have Not Vested


    Equity Incentive Plan

Awards; Market or

Payout Value of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other Rights

That Have Not Vested


David B. Edelson






  0  $27.00  01/13/19           




  0  21.74  01/13/19           




  0  27.21  01/13/19           




  0  34.64  01/13/19           




  0  37.92  01/12/20           




  0  37.26  01/12/20           




  0  33.12  01/12/20           




  0  37.82  01/12/20           




  0  39.81  01/11/21           




  0  43.14  01/11/21           




  0  42.02  01/11/21           




  0  35.04  01/11/21           




  0  37.86  01/10/22           




  0  39.41  01/10/22           




  0  39.80  01/10/22           




  0  41.14  01/10/22           




  0  41.93  01/08/23           




  0  43.89  01/08/23           




  0  44.44  01/08/23           




  0  46.99  01/08/23           




  2,813  46.58  01/14/24           




  2,813  43.37  01/14/24           




  2,813  43.83  01/14/24           




  2,813  41.98  01/14/24           




  5,625  40.46  01/09/25           




  5,625  40.61  01/09/25           




  5,625  38.46  01/09/25           




  5,625  35.52  01/09/25           








42Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Executive Compensation Tables

Option/SAR Awards (1)     Stock Awards

Number of







Number of








        Exercise Price



    Expiration Date


Equity Incentive Plan
Awards; Number of
Unearned Shares,

Units or Other Rights

    That Have Not Vested


Equity Incentive Plan
Awards; Market or

Payout Value of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other Rights

    That Have Not Vested


Andrew H. Tisch






  0  $49.17  01/08/18           




  0  40.34  01/08/18           




  0  47.71  01/08/18           




  0  38.38  01/08/18           




  0  27.00  01/13/19           




  0  21.74  01/13/19           




  0  27.21  01/13/19           




  0  34.64  01/13/19           




  0  37.92  01/12/20           




  0  37.26  01/12/20           




  0  33.12  01/12/20           




  0  37.82  01/12/20           




  0  39.81  01/11/21           




  0  43.14  01/11/21           




  0  42.02  01/11/21           




  0  35.04  01/11/21           




  0  37.86  01/10/22           




  0  39.41  01/10/22           




  0  39.80  01/10/22           




  0  41.14  01/10/22           




  0  41.93  01/08/23           



  0  43.89  01/08/23           




  0  44.44  01/08/23           




  0  46.99  01/08/23           




  3,750  46.58  01/14/24           




  3,750  43.37  01/14/24           




  3,750  43.83  01/14/24           




  3,750  41.98  01/14/24           




  7,500  40.46  01/09/25           




  7,500  40.61  01/09/25           




  7,500  38.46  01/09/25           




  7,500  35.52  01/09/25           














Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy43

Executive Compensation Tables

Option/SAR Awards (1)      Stock Awards

Number of







Number of








        Exercise Price



    Expiration Date


Equity Incentive Plan

Awards; Number of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other Rights

    That Have Not Vested


Equity Incentive Plan
Awards; Market or

Payout Value of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other Rights

    That Have Not Vested


Jonathan M. Tisch






  0  $49.17  01/08/18           




  0  40.34  01/08/18           




  0  47.71  01/08/18           




  0  38.38  01/08/18           




  0  27.00  01/13/19           




  0  21.74  01/13/19           




  0  27.21  01/13/19           




  0  34.64  01/13/19           




  0  37.92  01/12/20           




  0  37.26  01/12/20           




  0  33.12  01/12/20           




  0  37.82  01/12/20           




  0  39.81  01/11/21           




  0  43.14  01/11/21           




  0  42.02  01/11/21           




  0  35.04  01/11/21           




  0  37.86  01/10/22           




  0  39.41  01/10/22           




  0  39.80  01/10/22           





  0  41.14  01/10/22           




  0  41.93  01/08/23           




  0  43.89  01/08/23           




  0  44.44  01/08/23           




  0  46.99  01/08/23           




  3,750  46.58  01/14/24           




  3,750  43.37  01/14/24           




  3,750  43.83  01/14/24           




  3,750  41.98  01/14/24           




  7,500  40.46  01/09/25           




  7,500  40.61  01/09/25           




  7,500  38.46  01/09/25           




  7,500  35.52  01/09/25           





44Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Executive Compensation Tables

Option/SAR Awards (1)      Stock Awards

Number of







Number of








        Exercise Price



    Expiration Date


Equity Incentive Plan

Awards; Number of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other Rights

    That Have Not Vested


Equity Incentive Plan

Awards; Market or

Payout Value of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other Rights

    That Have Not Vested


Kenneth I. Siegel






  0  $43.14  01/11/21           




  0  42.02  01/11/21           




  0  41.93  01/08/23           




  0  43.89  01/08/23           




  0  44.44  01/08/23           




  0  46.99  01/08/23           




  2,813  46.58  01/14/24           




  2,813  43.37  01/14/24           




  2,813  43.83  01/14/24           




  2,813  41.98  01/14/24           




  5,625  40.46  01/09/25           




  5,625  40.61  01/09/25           




  5,625  38.46  01/09/25           




  5,625  35.52  01/09/25           








(1)Each SAR award reported above vestsvested and becomesbecame exercisable with respect to 25% of its underlying securities per year over the first four years of its term and commenced vesting nine years prior to the expiration date reported for such SAR award.

Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy45

Executive Compensation Tables
PRSU awards vest 50% on the second anniversary and 50% on the third anniversary of their grant date. As of December 31, 2021: (i) PRSUs granted on February 11, 2019 and February 10, 2020 were no longer subject to a performance condition and are therefore reported in the first two columns under Stock Awards; and (ii) PRSUs granted on February 8, 2021 were subject to a performance condition and are therefore reported in the last two columns under Stock Awards.


The following table shows information provided by Diamond Offshore regarding SARs granted to James S. Tisch, Andrew H. Tisch and Kenneth I. Siegel under Diamond Offshore’s stock option plan that were outstanding as of December 31, 2017.



Option/SAR Awards (1)

Number of Securities

Underlying Unexercised

Options/SARs Exercisable


Number of Securities

Underlying Unexercised

                Options/SARs Unexercisable



Exercise Price



Expiration Date


James S. Tisch






  0  $117.36  04/01/18




  0  140.54  07/01/18




  0  103.02  10/01/18




  0  58.73  01/01/19




  0  64.51  04/01/19




  0  83.57  07/01/19




  0  95.61  10/01/19




  0  99.16  01/04/20




  0  87.65  04/01/20




  0  61.79  07/01/20




  0  68.52  10/01/20




  0  66.38  01/03/21




  0  78.90  04/01/21




  0  70.38  07/01/21




  0  55.64  10/01/21




  0  55.72  01/03/22




  0  66.68  04/02/22




  0  59.19  07/02/22




  0  66.04  10/01/22




  0  67.47  01/02/23




  0  69.71  04/01/23




  0  68.62  07/01/23




  0  62.31  10/01/23




  0  56.55  01/02/24




  0  48.36  04/01/24




  0  49.57  07/01/24




  0  34.54  10/01/24




  0  37.16  01/02/25




  0  26.69  04/01/25




  0  25.88  07/01/25




  0  17.56  10/01/25




  0  20.93  01/04/26




  0  21.54  04/01/26




  0  24.02  07/01/26




  0  17.67  10/03/26




  0  17.89  01/01/27




  0  16.61  04/01/27




  0  10.97  07/01/27




  0  14.34  10/01/27

4640Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Executive Compensation Tables


Executive Compensation Tables

Option/SAR Awards (1) Stock Awards (2)
Number of
Unexercised Options/SARs
Number of
Unexercised Options/SARs Unexercisable
Exercise Price
Expiration Date
 Number of Shares or Units of Stock that Have Not VestedMarket Value of Shares or Units of Stock that Have Not VestedEquity Incentive Plan Awards: Number of Unearned Shares,
Units or
Other Rights
That Have Not Vested
Equity Incentive Plan Awards: Market or
Payout Value of
Unearned Shares,
Units or
Other Rights
That Have Not Vested
David B. Edelson


Number of Securities

Underlying Unexercised

Options/SARs Exercisable


Number of Securities

Underlying Unexercised

                Options/SARs Unexercisable



Exercise Price



Expiration Date


Andrew H. Tisch






  0  $70.38  07/01/21




  0  55.64  10/01/21




  0  55.72  01/03/22




  0  66.68  04/02/22




  0  59.19  07/02/22




  0  66.04  10/01/22




  0  67.47  01/02/23




  0  69.71  04/01/23




  0  68.62  07/01/23




  0  62.31  10/01/23




  0  56.55  01/02/24




  0  48.36  04/01/24




  0  49.57  07/01/24




  0  34.54  10/01/24




  0  37.16  01/02/25




  0  26.69  04/01/25




  0  25.88  07/01/25




  0  17.56  10/01/25




  0  20.93  01/04/26




  0  21.54  04/01/26




  0  24.02  07/01/26




  0  17.67  10/03/26




  0  17.89  01/01/27




  0  16.61  04/01/27




  0  10.97  07/01/27




  0  14.34  10/01/27


Kenneth I. Siegel







  0  48.36  04/01/24




  0  49.57  07/01/24




  0  34.54  10/01/24




  0  37.16  01/02/25




  0  26.69  04/01/25




  0  25.88  07/01/25




  0  17.56  10/01/25




  0  20.93  01/04/26




  0  21.54  04/01/26




  0  24.02  07/01/26




  0  17.67  10/03/26




  0  17.89  01/01/27




  0  16.61  04/01/27




  0  10.97  07/01/27




  0  14.34  10/01/27

(1)Each SAR award reported above with an expiration date prior to October 2018 vested and became exercisable with respect to 25% of its underlying securities per year over the first four years of its term and commenced vesting nine years prior to the first expiration date reported for such SAR award.

(2)PRSU awards vest 50% on the second anniversary and 50% on the third anniversary of their grant date. As of December 31, 2021: (i) PRSUs granted on February 11, 2019 and February 10, 2020 were no longer subject to a performance condition and are therefore reported in each calendar year above. the first two columns under Stock Awards; and (ii) PRSUs granted on February 8, 2021 were subject to a performance condition and are therefore reported in the last two columns under Stock Awards.

Loews Corporation2022 Proxy41

Executive Compensation Tables

Option/SAR Awards (1) Stock Awards (2)
Number of
Unexercised Options/SARs
Number of
Unexercised Options/SARs Unexercisable
Exercise Price
Expiration Date
 Number of Shares or Units of Stock that Have Not VestedMarket Value of Shares or Units of Stock that Have Not VestedEquity Incentive Plan Awards: Number of Unearned Shares,
Units or
Other Rights
That Have Not Vested
Equity Incentive Plan Awards: Market or
Payout Value of
Unearned Shares,
Units or
Other Rights
That Have Not Vested
Andrew H. Tisch

(1)Each SAR award reported above with an expiration date during or after October 2018 vested and became exercisable with respect to 100%25% of its underlying securities per year over the first four years of its term and commenced vesting nine years prior to the expiration date reported for such SAR award.

(2)PRSU awards vest 50% on the date it was granted.second anniversary and 50% on the third anniversary of their grant date. As of December 31, 2021: (i) PRSUs granted on February 11, 2019 and February 10, 2020 were no longer subject to a performance condition and are therefore reported in the first two columns under Stock Awards; and (ii) PRSUs granted on February 8, 2021 were subject to a performance condition and are therefore reported in the last two columns under Stock Awards.


42Loews Corporation2022 Proxy


Executive Compensation Tables


Option/SAR Awards (1) Stock Awards (2)
Number of
Unexercised Options/SARs
Number of
Unexercised Options/SARs Unexercisable
Exercise Price
Expiration Date
 Number of Shares or Units of Stock that Have Not VestedMarket Value of Shares or Units of Stock that Have Not VestedEquity Incentive Plan Awards: Number of Unearned Shares,
Units or
Other Rights
That Have Not Vested
Equity Incentive Plan Awards: Market or
Payout Value of
Unearned Shares,
Units or
Other Rights
That Have Not Vested
Jonathan M. Tisch

(1)Each SAR award reported above vested and became exercisable with respect to 25% of its underlying securities per year over the first four years of its term and commenced vesting nine years prior to the expiration date reported for such SAR award.

(2)PRSU awards vest 50% on the second anniversary and 50% on the third anniversary of their grant date. As of December 31, 2021: (i) PRSUs granted on February 11, 2019 and February 10, 2020 were no longer subject to a performance condition and are therefore reported in the first two columns under Stock Awards; and (ii) PRSUs granted on February 8, 2021 were subject to a performance condition and are therefore reported in the last two columns under Stock Awards.

Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy47

Executive Compensation Tables


Executive Compensation Tables


Option/SAR Awards (1) Stock Awards (2)
Number of
Unexercised Options/SARs
Number of
Unexercised Options/SARs Unexercisable
Exercise Price
Expiration Date
 Number of Shares or Units of Stock that Have Not VestedMarket Value of Shares or Units of Stock that Have Not VestedEquity Incentive Plan Awards: Number of Unearned Shares,
Units or
Other Rights
That Have Not Vested
Equity Incentive Plan Awards: Market or
Payout Value of
Unearned Shares,
Units or
Other Rights
That Have Not Vested
Kenneth I. Siegel


(1)Each SAR award reported above vested and became exercisable with respect to 25% of its underlying securities per year over the first four years of its term and commenced vesting nine years prior to the expiration date reported for such SAR award.

(2)PRSU awards vest 50% on the second anniversary and 50% on the third anniversary of their grant date. As of December 31, 2021: (i) PRSUs granted on February 11, 2019 and February 10, 2020 were no longer subject to a performance condition and are therefore reported in the first two columns under Stock Awards; and (ii) PRSUs granted on February 8, 2021 were subject to a performance condition and are therefore reported in the last two columns under Stock Awards.

The following table shows information regarding the exercise of SARs granted under our Stock Option Plan by those ofand RSUs vested under our Incentive Compensation Plan for our named executive officers who exercised awards during 2017.2021.



(LOEWS COMMON STOCK)2021 Option Exercises and stock vested


  Option/SAR AwardsOption/SAR Awards Stock/RSU Awards



Number of Shares

Acquired on Exercise





Value Realized

on Exercise


Number of Shares
Acquired on Exercise
Value Realized
on Exercise
 Number of Shares Acquired on Vesting Value Realized
on Vesting
James S. Tisch18,305$1,041,829 18,953(1)$911,788(1)

David B. Edelson

   5,809      $292,80317,458917,060 14,952 719,302 
Andrew H. Tisch18,3051,041,829 18,953(1)911,788(1)
Jonathan M. Tisch6,712302,308 18,953 911,788 

Kenneth I. Siegel

   6,847      339,67711,029647,347 14,952 719,302 

None of our named executive officers exercised awards granted under Diamond Offshore’s stock option plan during the year ended December 31, 2017.

(1)Each of James S. and Andrew H. Tisch deferred receipt of 100% of the RSU awards that vested in 2021. Their deferral elections provided that, to the extent such awards vest, delivery of the shares of common stock underlying those RSUs would be made upon the earlier of: (i) a date selected by them (January 2, 2053 for James S. Tisch, and August 14, 2049 for Andrew H. Tisch); (ii) their separation from service (as defined in Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code); and (iii) a change in control (as defined in Section 409A). Andrew H. Tisch retired on December 31, 2021 and the shares of common stock underlying the RSUs that vested in connection with his retirement will be delivered to him following a six-month delay required under Section 409A.

44Loews Corporation2022 Proxy

Executive Compensation Tables

Pension Plans

We provide

Prior to 2020, we provided a funded, tax qualified,non-contributory retirement plan for certain salaried employees, including all of our named executive officers (our “Qualified Retirement Plan”). TaxBenefits under tax qualified retirement plans such as our Qualified Retirement Plan, are subject to limitations under the Internal Revenue Code on the benefits they may provide.Code. Accordingly, we also provideprovided an unfunded, nonqualified,non-contributory retirement plan (our “Benefit Equalization Plan”) which providesprovided for the accrual and payment of benefits that otherwise arewere not available under our Qualified Retirement Plan due to these limitations. We refer to our Qualified Retirement PlanEffective December 31, 2019, these plans were frozen, and Benefit Equalization Plan together as our “Retirement Plans.”

Our Retirement Plans currently provideparticipants no longer accrue benefits, underother than interest credits on accrued balances at a formula in which the value of each participant’s benefit is expressed as a nominal cash balance account establishedrate determined annually for each participant. We increase each participant’s nominal account annually by a“pay-based credit” based on:

a specified percentage of the participant’s annual compensation, which is determined based on the participant’s years of service, and

an “interest credit” based on a specified interest rate, which is determined annually for all participants.

all participants. At retirement or termination of employment, vested participants are entitled to receive their benefit in alump-sum or a monthly annuity. Compensation covered under our Retirement Plans consists of salary and, if applicable, cash incentive compensation awards, subject to certain limitations placed on such covered compensation as described in the plans. Pension benefits are not subject to reduction for Social Security benefits or other amounts.

We also maintain a supplemental retirement accountretirements accounts for each of James S. Tisch, Andrew H.Jonathan M. Tisch and, Jonathan M.prior to his retirement on December 31, 2021, Andrew H. Tisch, under supplemental retirement agreements with each of these individuals (“Supplemental Benefit”). We credit each nominal account annually with the interest credit established under our Qualified Retirement Plan. Upon retirement, each of these named executive officers will receive the value of his account in the form of an annuity or, subject to certain conditions, in a singlelump-sum payment.


48Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy

Executive Compensation Tables

The following table shows information regarding pension benefits accrued for and paid to each of our named executive officers as of December 31, 2017.2021.

2017 PENSION BENEFITS2021 Pension Benefits




Plan Name



Number of Years

Credited Service



Present Value of    

Accumulated Benefit  (1)



    Payments During

Last Fiscal Year


Plan NameNumber of Years
Credited Service
Present Value of
Accumulated Benefit
(1)Payments During
Last Fiscal Year

James S. Tisch



Qualified Retirement Plan


   40    $  1,676,379       $0Qualified Retirement Plan42td,836,846 $0 


Benefit Equalization Plan4227,512,786 0 


Benefit Equalization Plan


   40    26,562,004       0Supplemental Benefit 1,515,764 0 




Supplemental Benefit


      1,344,519       0

David B. Edelson



Qualified Retirement Plan


   12    236,759       0Qualified Retirement Plan14292,191 0 


Benefit Equalization Plan144,450,009 0 


Benefit Equalization Plan


   12    3,483,529       0

Andrew H. Tisch



Qualified Retirement Plan


   44    1,738,681       0Qualified Retirement Plan461,819,488 0 


Benefit Equalization Plan4623,211,711 0 


Benefit Equalization Plan


   44    23,131,893       0Supplemental Benefit 1,524,918 0 




Supplemental Benefit


      1,353,293       0

Jonathan M. Tisch



Qualified Retirement Plan


   38    1,383,554       0Qualified Retirement Plan401,547,691 0 


Benefit Equalization Plan4022,168,860 0 


Benefit Equalization Plan


   38    21,210,323       0Supplemental Benefit 1,515,764 0 




Supplemental Benefit


      1,337,379       0

Kenneth I. Siegel



Qualified Retirement Plan


   8    78,060       0Qualified Retirement Plan10102,409 0 


Benefit Equalization Plan102,530,981 0 


Benefit Equalization Plan


   8    1,914,754       0


(1)Assuming (a) benefit commencement at the later of a normal retirement date age of 65 or current age for David B. Edelson and Kenneth I. Siegel, and current age for Andrew H. Tisch, Jonathan M. Tisch and James S. Tisch, who are currently eligible for an unreduced benefit; (b) a discount rate of 3.6%2.7% for the Benefit Equalization Plan and 3.7%2.7% for the Qualified Retirement Plan; and (c) interest credits of 3.0% for 20182022 and future years. Other interest rate and mortality rate assumptions used are consistent with those used in our financial statements.

Loews Corporation2022 Proxy45

Executive Compensation Tables

Deferred Compensation

2008 Plan.The following table shows information regarding compensation deferred by Mr.David Edelson on a nonqualified basis under our legacy Deferred Compensation Plan (the “2008 Plan”), which was frozen as of December 31, 2015. Under that plan, employees earning in excess of $100,000 per year could defer up to ten percent of their base salaries for a period of not less than three years, or until they are no longer employed by us. Deferred amounts are maintained by us in an interest-bearing account. Upon electing to participate in this plan each year, each participating employee chose the amount to be deferred and the duration of the deferral, whether to receive distributions of deferred amounts in a single payment or in equal annual installments over any period of time up to 15 years, and an interest rate from a selection of short-term and long-term rates established in accordance with the plan’s requirements and available depending on the duration of the deferral. None of our other named executive officers have outstanding balances under this plan.







Contributions in

Last Fiscal Year




Contributions in

Last Fiscal Year




Earnings in

Last Fiscal Year








Balance at Last

Fiscal Year-End






David B. Edelson


   $0    $0    $25,918 (1)   $0    $737,769 (2) 



(1)Amounts included in Aggregate Earnings in Last Fiscal Year were reported as compensation in the 2017 Summary Compensation Table.

(2)Amounts included in Aggregate Balance at Last FiscalYear-End were reported as compensation in Summary Compensation Tables for previous years, except for $100,007 of contributions and earnings for years prior to when Mr. Edelson became a named executive officer.

Loews Corporation 2018 Proxy49

Executive Compensation Tables

Effective January 1, 2016, we adopted a new Executive Deferred CompensationUnder the 2008 Plan, under whichby annual election, employees earning at least $250,000$100,000 per year andnon-management directors of Loews can elect annuallywere able to defer a portion of their compensation on atax-deferred basis for a period of not less than three years. The plan is administered by a benefits committee which, among other things, fixes a maximum amount of compensation that can be deferred each year, which was 50%up to ten percent of base salary and 75% of bonus for eligible employees in 2017.Non-management directors may elect to defer some or all of their compensation.

The plan ison a nonqualified, unfunded plan under the Internal Revenue Code and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA); however, Loews has established a “rabbi” trust, to provide a source of funds (subject to the claims of the company’s creditors), which will be administered by an independent financial institution as trustee. Deferred amounts will be credited to the participant’s account and may be allocated by the participant among a number of investment funds selected by the benefits committee.

In addition to selecting an amount of compensation to be deferred and choosing among the available investment funds, upontax-deferred basis. Upon electing to participate in this plan each year, a participant must choosechose the amount to be deferred, the duration of the deferral and whether to receive distributions of deferred amounts in a single payment or in equal annual installments over a period of up to 15 years. Participants may allocate deferred account balances among a number of investment funds selected by the benefits committee administering the plan.

The 2008 Plan is a nonqualified, unfunded plan under the Internal Revenue Code and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA); however, we have established a “rabbi” trust to provide a source of funds (subject to the claims of our creditors), which is administered by an independent financial institution as trustee.

2021 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation (2008 Plan)

Contributions in
Last Fiscal Year
Contributions in
Last Fiscal Year
Earnings in
Last Fiscal Year
 Aggregate Withdrawals/
Balance at Last
Fiscal Year-End
David B. Edelson$0$0$39,034(1)$0$866,564(2)

(1)Pursuant to applicable SEC rules, amounts included in Aggregate Earnings in Last Fiscal Year are not reported as compensation in the 2021 Summary Compensation Table as they were not accrued at an above-market interest rate.

(2)$431,250 of contributions made by Mr. Edelson since he became a named executive officer, and $187 of earnings accrued at an above-market interest rate, included in Aggregate Balance at Last Fiscal Year-End were reported as compensation in Summary Compensation Tables for previous years. All other contributions and earnings were not reported as compensation in Summary Compensation Tables for previous years.

2016 Plan.The following table shows information regarding compensation deferred by Mr.David Edelson on a nonqualified basis under this plan.our Executive Deferred Compensation Plan (the “2016 Plan”), which was adopted effective January 1, 2016 and frozen as of December 31, 2019. None of our other named executive officers have outstanding balances under this plan.

Under the 2016 Plan, by annual election, employees earning at least $250,000 per year were able to defer up to 50% of base salary and 75% of bonus on a tax-deferred basis. Upon electing to participate each year, a participant chose the amount to be deferred, the duration of the deferral and whether to receive distributions of deferred amounts in a single payment or in equal annual installments over a period of up to 15 years. Participants may allocate deferred account balances among a number of investment funds selected by the benefits committee administering the plan.

The 2016 Plan is a nonqualified, unfunded plan under the Internal Revenue Code and ERISA; however, we have established a “rabbi” trust to provide a source of funds (subject to the claims of our creditors), which is administered by an independent financial institution as trustee.

2017 NONQUALIFIED DEFERRED COMPENSATION2021 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation (2016 PLAN)





Contributions in

Last Fiscal Year




Contributions in

Last Fiscal Year




Earnings in

Last Fiscal Year









Balance at Last

Fiscal Year-End


Contributions in
Last Fiscal Year
Contributions in
Last Fiscal Year
Earnings in
Last Fiscal Year
 Aggregate Withdrawals/
Balance at Last
Fiscal Year-End

David B. Edelson (1)

   $132,000    $0    $12,308    $0    $144,308 
David B. Edelson$0$85,546(1)$0$720,867(2)


(1)AllPursuant to applicable SEC rules, amounts included in tableAggregate Earnings in Last Fiscal Year are not reported as compensation in the 2021 Summary Compensation Table as they were not accrued at an above-market interest rate.

(2)All $493,000 of Mr. Edelson’s contributions included in Aggregate Balance at Last Fiscal Year-End were reported as compensation in Summary Compensation Tables for previous years. All earnings were not reported as compensation in Summary Compensation Tables for previous years.

46Loews Corporation2022 Proxy

Executive Compensation Tables

Deferred Investment Plan.The following table shows information regarding compensation deferred by our named executive officers on a nonqualified basis under our Deferred Investment Plan (the “Deferred Investment Plan”), which was adopted effective January 1, 2020.

Under the Deferred Investment Plan, by annual election, employees whose cash compensation (base salary and bonus) is greater than the annual IRS compensation limits for 401(k) plans ($290,000 in 2021) are able to defer up to 75% of base salary and 100% of bonus on a tax-deferred basis. In addition, we make annual contributions to the Deferred Investment Plan accounts of eligible employees equal to 5% of the participant’s annual cash compensation that is in excess of the annual IRS compensation limits for 401(k) plans.

Upon electing to participate each year, a participant chooses the amount to be deferred, the duration of the deferral and whether to receive distributions of deferred amounts in a single payment or in equal annual installments over a period of up to 15 years. Participants may allocate deferred account balances among a number of investment funds selected by the benefits committee administering the plan.

The Deferred Investment Plan is a nonqualified, unfunded plan under the Internal Revenue Code and ERISA; however, we have established a “rabbi” trust, to provide a source of funds (subject to the claims of our creditors), which is administered by an independent financial institution as trustee.

2021 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation (Deferred Investment PLAN)

Contributions in
Last Fiscal Year
Contributions in
Last Fiscal Year(1)

Earnings in
Last Fiscal Year(2)


Balance at Last
Fiscal Year-End(4)(5)

James S. Tisch$0 $231,750 $21 $5,446 $222,297 
David B. Edelson186,250(6)220,500 57,342 5,182 792,104 
Andrew H. Tisch0 176,750 16 4,154 168,584 
Jonathan M. Tisch0 212,900 20 5,003 203,596 
Kenneth I. Siegel0 214,250 14,874 5,035 218,840 

(1)Represents our contributions in respect of 2021 compensation that were credited to participants’ accounts in early 2022. These amounts are reported as compensation in the 20172021 Summary Compensation Table.

(2)Pursuant to applicable SEC rules, amounts included in Aggregate Earnings in Last Fiscal Year are not reported as compensation in the 2021 Summary Compensation Table as they were not accrued at an above-market interest rate.

(3)Represents deductions taken from the contributions we made in respect of 2021 compensation to satisfy employment tax withholding obligations. These deductions were taken at the time the participants’ accounts were credited in early 2022.

(4)Because the contributions and withdrawals/distributions amounts reported in their respective columns in respect of 2021 compensation were not credited to/taken from participants’ accounts until early 2022, those amounts are not reflected in the Aggregate Balance at Last Fiscal Year End.

(5)The following amounts included in Aggregate Balance at Last Fiscal Year End were reported as compensation in Summary Compensation Tables for prior years: (i) $227,625 of company contributions for prior years for Mr. James S. Tisch; (ii) $478,250 of executive contributions, and $217,625 of company contributions, for prior years for Mr. Edelson; (iii) $172,625 of company contributions for prior years for Mr. Andrew H. Tisch; (iv) $208,475 of company contributions for prior years for Mr. Jonathan M. Tisch; and (v) $208,875 of company contributions for prior years for Mr. Siegel. All earnings were not reported as compensation in Summary Compensation Tables for previous years.

(6)Represents a deferral of a portion of Mr. Edelson’s cash incentive compensation award for 2021 that is reported as compensation in the 2021 Summary Compensation Table.

In addition to deferrals of cash compensation, employees are eligible to defer receipt of equity compensation awards granted to them. James S. Tisch and Andrew H. Tisch elected to defer receipt of their 2021 PRSU grants until the earlier of: (i) a date selected by them (January 2, 2053 for James Tisch and August 14, 2049 for Andrew Tisch); (ii) their separation from service (as defined in Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code); and (iii) a change in control (as defined in Section 409A).

Andrew H. Tisch retired on December 31, 2021 and the shares of common stock underlying RSUs that he deferred that vested in connection with his retirement will be delivered to him following a six-month delay required under Section 409A.

Loews Corporation2022 Proxy47

Executive Compensation Tables

CEO Pay Ratio

Under SEC rules established pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Act, we are required beginning with our 2017 fiscal year, to disclose the ratio of pay of our Chief Executive Officer to that of our median employee, as defined under those rules, excluding our Chief Executive Officer. In order to estimate this ratio, we first determined our employee population using a determination date of December 31, 2017.2021. A new determination date was used this year to reflect changes to our employee population since the prior determination date. Under the SEC rules, our employee population includesincluded approximately 15,50015,587 employees from Loews Corporation and certain of our controlledconsolidated subsidiaries — CNA, Diamond Offshore, Boardwalk Pipeline PartnersPipelines and Loews Hotels. We excluded Consolidated Container Company pursuant to the applicable rules as it was acquired during 2017. As of December 31, 2017, Consolidated Container Company had approximately 2,300 employees. We identified the median employee from this employee population using a compensation measure that incorporatesincorporated base salary, overtime and any bonuses paid for 2017.2021. For employees hired during the year, their compensation was annualized to reflect a full year of wages. TheInternational employees’ pay was converted to US dollar equivalents using the average of the exchange rates from January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. For 2021, the annual total compensation of our Chief Executive Officer, which is equal to the total compensation amount reflected in the Summary Compensation Table above, and the median employee from the employee population determined under the SEC rules is $6,527,773$6,119,523 and $77,916,$53,781, respectively. This results in a CEO pay ratio estimate of 84:114:1. Given the numerous different methodologies, assumptions, adjustments and estimates that companies may apply as permitted under SEC rules, this information may not be an appropriate basis for comparison between different companies.


5048Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Proposal No. 3: Ratification of the Appointment of Our Independent Auditors

Proposal No. 3:
Ratification of the Appointment of Our Independent Auditors

Proposal No. 3:

Ratification of the Appointment

of Our Independent Auditors

Our Audit Committee is directly responsible for the appointment, compensation and oversight of the independent external audit firm retained to audit our financial statements and the audit fee negotiations associated with their retention. Our Audit Committee has selected Deloitte & Touche LLP to serve as our independent auditors for 2018.2022. The Audit Committee regularly evaluates the performance of our independent auditors to determine if it is engaging the firm it believes is best positioned to serve the company and its shareholders. The Audit Committee also periodically considers whether, in order to assure continuing auditor independence, Loews should rotate its independent external audit firm. In conjunction with the mandated rotation of the independent auditors’ lead engagement partner, the Audit Committee and its Chairman participate in the selection of each new lead engagement partner. The Audit Committee and the Board believe that the continued retention of Deloitte & Touche LLP to serve as Loews’s independent external auditor is in the best interests of Loews and its shareholders.

Although it is not required to do so, our Board wishes to submit the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP for ratification by our shareholders at the Annual Meeting. Even if this selection is ratified by our shareholders at the Annual Meeting, our Audit Committee may at its discretion change the appointment at any time during the year if it determines that such a change would be in the best interests of us and our shareholders. If our shareholders do not ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP, our Audit Committee will reconsider its selection. Representatives of Deloitte & Touche LLP are expected to be at the Annual Meeting to answer appropriate questions and, if they choose to do so, to make a statement.

Audit Fees and Services

The following table shows fees billed by Deloitte & Touche LLP and its affiliates for professional services rendered to us and our subsidiaries in 20172021 and 2016,2020, by category, as described in the notes to the table.


(in thousands)  2017   201620212020
Audit Fees (1)   $19,793                       $18,333$16,419$17,763
Audit Related Fees (2)   540   1,235753725
Tax Fees (3)   69   1473227
All Other Fees (4)   10   71013


   $20,412   $19,722$17,214$18,528


(1)Includes the aggregate fees and expenses for the audit of our and our consolidated subsidiaries’ annual financial statements and internal control over financial reporting, statutory filings and the reviews of our and their quarterly financial statements.

(2)Includes the aggregate fees and expenses for services that were reasonably related to the performance of the audit or reviews of our and our consolidated subsidiaries’ financial statements and not included under “Audit Fees” above, including, principally, consents and comfort letters and the auditaudits of employee benefit plans.plans, internal control reviews and due diligence.

(3)Includes the aggregate fees and expenses for tax compliance and tax planning services.

(4)Includes the aggregate fees and expenses for products and services, other than those services described above.


Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy51

Proposal No. 3: Ratification of the Appointment of Our Independent Auditors


Proposal No. 3: Ratification of the Appointment of Our Independent Auditors


Auditor EngagementPre-Approval Policy

To assure the continued independence of our independent auditors, currently Deloitte & Touche LLP, our Audit Committee has adopted a policy requiringpre-approval of all audit andnon-audit services performed by our independent auditors. Under this policy, our Audit Committee annuallypre-approves certain specified recurring services which may be provided by Deloitte & Touche LLP, subject to maximum dollar limitations.

All other engagements for services to be performed by Deloitte & Touche LLP must be specificallypre-approved by our Audit Committee, or the Chairman of our Audit Committee to the extent the Audit Committee has delegatedpre-approval authority to the Chairman. Our Audit Committee, or the Chairman of our Audit Committee pursuant to such delegated authority,pre-approves all engagements by us and our consolidated subsidiaries, other than CNA Diamond Offshore, Boardwalk Pipeline and their respectiveits subsidiaries, for services of Deloitte & Touche LLP, including all terms and fees. Our Audit Committee has concluded that all these engagements have been compatible with the continued independence of Deloitte & Touche LLP in serving as our independent auditors.

Engagements of Deloitte & Touche LLP by CNA Diamond Offshore and Boardwalk Pipelineits subsidiaries are reviewed and approved by the independent audit committeescommittee of those subsidiariesCNA underpre-approval policies adopted by those committees.that committee.



Our Board recommends a voteFORProposal No. 33.


5250Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy

Audit Committee Report



Audit Committee Report

Audit Committee Report

The primary role of the Board’s Audit Committee is to oversee our financial reporting process and manage our relationship with our independent auditors. For more information about the Audit Committee’s responsibilities please see “Board Committees” on page 13. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Audit Committee has reviewed, and discussed with Loews’s management and independent auditors, the company’s audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2017.2021. The Audit Committee has also discussed with our independent auditors the matters required to be discussed by Auditing Standard No. 1301, “Communications with Audit Committees,” as adopted and as amended by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”).

In addition, the Audit Committee has discussed with the independent auditors their independence in relation to Loews and its management, including the matters in the written disclosures provided to the Audit Committee as required by applicable requirements of the PCAOB regarding the independent accountants’ communications with the audit committeeAudit Committee concerning independence. We have determined that the provision ofnon-audit services provided by the auditors is compatible with maintaining the auditors’ independence. For more information about services provided by our independent auditors, please read “Audit Fees and Services,” in Proposal 3 on page 51.49.

The members of the Audit Committee rely without independent verification on the information provided to them by management and the independent auditors and on management’s representation that the company’s financial statements have been prepared with integrity and objectivity. They do not provide any expert or special assurance as to Loews’s financial statements or any professional certification as to the independent auditors’ work. Accordingly, the Audit Committee’s oversight does not provide an independent basis to determine that management has applied appropriate accounting and financial reporting principles or internal controls and procedures, that the audit of the company’s financial statements has been carried out in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, that Loews’s financial statements are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or that the company’s auditors are in fact “independent.”

Based upon the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board that the audited financial statements be included in our Annual Report on Form10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017,2021, which has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

By the Audit Committee:


Walter L. Harris, Chairman 

Ann E. BermanJoseph L. Bower

Lawrence S. BacowCharles M. Diker
Ann E. BermanPaul J. Fribourg

Joseph L. BowerPhilip A. Laskawy


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Additional Information

Annual MeetingAdditional Information


As of March 15, 2018,2022, the record date for determination of shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting, there were 324,438,652246,394,396 shares of our Common Stockcommon stock outstanding. Each outstanding share of our Common Stockcommon stock is entitled to one vote on all matters that may come before the Annual Meeting. All proxies properly voted in accordance with the instructions below prior to the Annual Meeting and not revoked will be voted at the Annual Meeting. You may revoke your proxy at any time before it is exercised by giving notice in writing to our Corporate Secretary, by granting a proxy bearing a later date or by voting in person at the Annual Meeting.

Please note that our Annual Meeting will be a completely virtual meeting this year.

QuorumInternet Availability of Proxy Materials.Under Securities and Exchange Commission rules, we have elected to make our proxy materials available to our shareholders over the Internet, rather than mailing paper copies of those materials to each shareholder. We expect to begin mailing an Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials (a “Notice”) on or about March 30, 2022. The Notice contains instructions describing how to access our proxy materials, including this Proxy Statement and our Annual Report, and vote shares by the Internet or by telephone. If you receive a Notice only and would like to receive a printed copy of the proxy materials, please follow the instructions printed on the Notice to request that a printed copy be mailed to you.

Voting by Proxy.Whether or not you plan to virtually attend the Annual Meeting, we urge you to vote and submit your proxy in advance of the meeting by one of the methods below. Please have your proxy card, voting instruction form or Notice in hand when voting.

Internet: go to www.proxyvote.com

Telephone: call 1-800-690-6903

Mail: if you received a paper copy of the proxy materials by mail, you can vote by signing, dating and mailing the proxy card in the enclosed self-addressed envelope

Admittance to and Voting at the Annual Meeting.The Annual Meeting is open to holders of our common stock. To attend the virtual meeting, visit www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/L2022 and enter the 16-digit control number included on your proxy card, voting instruction form or Notice. You may begin to log into the meeting platform beginning at 10:45 a.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) on May 10, 2022. The meeting will begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. EDT on May 10, 2022. All shareholders may vote and submit questions at the Annual Meeting via virtual attendance. If you encounter technical difficulties accessing the virtual meeting, a technical support phone number will be made available on the virtual meeting registration page fifteen minutes prior to the start time of the meeting.

Quorum. . A quorum will be present at the Annual Meeting if holders of a majority of the issued and outstanding shares of our Common Stockcommon stock on the record date are represented at the Annual Meeting in person or by proxy. If a quorum is not present at the Annual Meeting, we expect to postpone or adjourn the Annual Meeting to solicit additional proxies. Abstentions and brokernon-votes (as defined below) will be counted
as shares present and entitled to vote for the purpose of determining whether a quorum is present.

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Additional Information

BrokerNon-votes.Shares with respect to which a broker indicates that it does not have authority to vote on a matter will be considered “brokernon-votes.” Brokernon-votes occur on a matter when a bank, broker or other nominee is not permitted by applicable regulatory requirements to vote on that matter without instruction from the owner of the shares and no instruction is given. Absent instructions from you, your broker may vote your shares on the ratification of the appointment of our independent auditors (Proposal No. 3), but may not vote your shares on the election of directors (Proposal No. 1) or the advisory“say-on-pay” “say-on-pay” vote (Proposal No. 2).

Majority Vote Standard for Election of DirectorsDirectors.. Ourby-laws provide that a nominee for director in an uncontested election, such as the election to be held at our Annual Meeting, will be elected to the Board by the vote of the majority of the votes cast with respect to the nominee. With respect to Proposal No. 1, you may vote for any one or more nominees, against any one or more nominees or abstain from voting with respect to any one or more nominees. Shares that are voted to abstain with respect to any one or more nominees and brokernon-votes will not be counted as votes cast and, therefore, will have no effect on the outcome of the voting for directors. In the event thatIf an incumbent nominee does not receive a majority of the votes cast, ourby-laws require that director to tender his or her resignation and ourthe Nominating and Governance Committee, or such other committee designated by the Board, to then establish a committee to consider whether to accept or reject that resignation. The Board will act on the committee’s recommendation and publicly disclose its decision.

Votes Required to Adopt Other ProposalsProposals.. The affirmative vote of shares representing a majority of the votes cast by the holders of shares present and entitled to vote on the matter is required to approve each of the other proposals to be voted on at the Annual Meeting. With respect to Proposals No. 2 and 3, you may vote for, against or abstain. Shares that are voted to abstain with respect to any one or more of these matters and brokernon-votes will not be counted as votes cast and, therefore, will have no effect on the outcome of the voting for these proposals.

Voting by Proxy. We expect to begin mailing to our shareholders proxy materials or an Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials (a “Notice”) on or about March 28, 2018. The Notice contains instructions describing how to access our proxy materials, including this Proxy Statement and our Annual Report, and vote shares by the Internet or by telephone. If you receive a Notice by mail you will not receive a printed copy of the proxy materials unless you specifically request it. Whether or not you plan to attend the

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Annual Meeting Information

Annual Meeting, you may submit a proxy to vote your shares by the Internet, telephone or mail as more fully described below:

Internet: to submit your proxy by the Internet, go towww.proxyvote.com. You will need the control number included on your proxy card, voter instruction form or Notice;

Telephone: to submit your proxy by telephone, shareholders of record should dial1-800-690-6903 and follow the instructions. If shares are held in “street name,” that is, you hold your shares in an account with a bank, broker or other holder of record, you should dial the phone number listed on your voter instruction form and follow the instructions. You will need the control number included on your proxy card, voter instruction form or Notice; or

Mail: if you are a shareholder of record and received your Proxy Statement and Annual Report by mail, you can vote by signing, dating and completing the accompanying proxy card and returning it by mail in the enclosed self-addressed envelope.

If you received a Notice and wish to vote by traditional proxy card, you may receive a full set of the Annual Meeting materials at no charge through one of the following methods:

- by the Internet at:www.proxyvote.com;

- by telephone at:1-800-579-1639; or

- bye-mail at:sendmaterial@proxyvote.com.

Once you receive the Proxy Statement, Annual Report and proxy card, please sign, date and complete the proxy card and return it in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. No postage is necessary if the proxy card is mailed in the United States. If you hold your shares in “street name,” meaning through a bank, broker or other nominee, it will give you separate instructions for voting your shares.

Voting in PersonConfidentiality. . All shareholders may vote in person at the Annual Meeting. You may also be represented by another person at the Annual Meeting by executing a proper proxy designating that person. If your shares are held in street name, you must obtain a valid legal proxy, executed in your favor, from your broker or other holder of record to be able to vote at the Annual Meeting.

If you wish to obtain directions to our Annual Meeting, you may do so by writing to our Corporate Secretary.

Confidentiality. Our Board has adopted a policy of confidentiality regarding the voting of shares. Under this policy, all proxies, ballots and voting tabulations that identify how an individual shareholder has voted at the Annual Meeting will be kept confidential from us, except where disclosure is required by applicable law, a shareholder expressly requests disclosure, or in the case of a contested proxy solicitation. Proxy tabulators and inspectors of election will be employees of Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. or another third party and not our employees.

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Additional Information

Other Matters

We know of no other matters to be brought before the Annual Meeting. If other matters should properly come before the meeting, proxies will be voted on these matters in accordance with the best judgment of the persons appointed as proxies.

Cost of Proxy SolicitationSolicitation.. We will bear all costs in connection with the solicitation of proxies for the Annual Meeting. We intend to request brokerage houses, custodians, nominees and others who hold our Common Stockcommon stock in their names to solicit proxies from the persons who beneficially own the stock,
and we will reimburse these brokerage houses, custodians, nominees and others for theirout-of-pocket expenses in connection therewith. We have engaged Innisfree M&A Incorporated (“Innisfree”) to solicit proxies for us, at an anticipated cost of approximately $10,000.$12,500. In addition to the use of the mail, solicitation

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Annual Meeting Information

may be made by Innisfree or our employees personally or by telephone, over the Internet, bye-mail or by other electronic transmission.

HouseholdingHouseholding. . To reduce the expenses of delivering duplicate proxy materials, we may take advantage of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s “householding” rules that permit us to deliver only one set of proxy materials to shareholders who share an address, unless otherwise requested. If you share an address with another shareholder and have received only one set of proxy materials, you may request a separate copy of these materials at no cost to you by contacting us at Loews Corporation, Attn: Corporate Secretary, 667 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10065-8087 or at (212)521-2000. For future annual meetings, you may request separate voting materials, or request that we send only one set of proxy materials to you if you are receiving multiple copies, by calling or writing to us at the phone number and address given above.

Submissions of Nominations or Nominations Other Proposals
for Our 20192023 Annual Meeting

If you wish to propose an individual to be considered by our Nominating and Governance Committee for possible recommendation to our Board as a nominee for election as a director, you should do so by writing to our Corporate Secretary. Your recommendation should include the candidate’s name, a brief biographical description, a statement of the candidate’s qualifications, a description of any relationship between the candidate and the recommending shareholder or Loews and the candidate’s signed consent to serve as a director, if elected. Our Nominating and Governance Committee requests that we receive any recommendations for director nominees for our 20192023 annual meeting of shareholders no later than October 1, 2018.2022.

If you wish to nominate an individual for election as a director at our 20192023 annual meeting of shareholders, you must provide us written notice of your intention to do so addressed to our Corporate Secretary. Your notice must provide certain information, representations and agreements, including the candidate’s signed consent to serve as a director, if elected, as set forth in ourby-laws. We must receive your notice, together with the required information, no earlier than January 8,10, and no later than February 7, 2019.9, 2023.

If you wish to submit any other proposal for our 20192023 annual meeting of shareholders, you must also provide us written notice of your intention to do so addressed to our Corporate Secretary. For proposals that you would like to be included in our proxy materials under Rule14a-8 under the Exchange Act, your proposal must be received by us not later than November 28, 201830, 2022 and otherwise comply with the rules and procedures set forth in Rule14a-8. For other proposals that would not be included in our proxy materials, we must receive your proposal no earlier than January 8,10, and no later than February 7, 20199, 2023 and your proposal must be accompanied by certain information, representations and agreements as set forth in ourby-laws.


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Additional Information

Communicating with Our Board

If you or any other interested party wishes to communicate directly with our lead director, othernon-management directors or our Board as a whole, you or the other interested party may do so by writing to our Corporate Secretary. All communicationsCommunications will be delivered to the director or directors to whom they are addressed unless the Corporate Secretary determines that a communication is a business solicitation or advertisement, or requests general information about us.us or is otherwise inappropriate.

You should address all communications directed to our Corporate Secretary regarding the matters discussed in this Proxy Statement to Loews Corporation, 667 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10065-8087, Attention: Marc A. Alpert, Corporate Secretary.

By order of the Board of Directors,



Marc A. Alpert

Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

Dated: March 28, 201830, 2022


Loews Corporation 20182022 Proxy57




NEW YORK, NY 10065-8087


VOTE BY INTERNET - www.proxyvote.com

Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for electronic delivery of information up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date or meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the web site and follow the instructions to obtain your records and to create an electronic voting instruction form.


If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our company in mailing proxy materials, you can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy cards and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the Internet. To sign up for electronic delivery, please follow the instructions above to vote using the Internet and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or access proxy materials electronically in future years.

VOTE BY PHONE - 1-800-690-6903

Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit your voting instructions up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date or meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you call and then follow the instructions.


Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the postage-paid envelope we have provided or return it to Vote Processing, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717.






The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR the

following proposals:


Election of DirectorsFor55AgainstAbstain


Ann E. Berman


Joseph L. Bower



Charles D. Davidson


Approve, on an advisory basis, executive compensation



Charles M. Diker

Jacob A. Frenkel


Ratify Deloitte & Touche LLP as independent auditors









Paul J. Fribourg

Walter L. Harris

Philip A. Laskawy

Susan Peters

Andrew H. Tisch

James S. Tisch

Jonathan M. Tisch

Anthony Welters

NOTE:Such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof shall be voted by the proxies appointed hereby in their judgment and discretion.

Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full title as such. Joint owners should each sign personally. All holders must sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign in full corporate or partnership name by authorized officer.

Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX]DateSignature (Joint Owners)    Date


AddressChanges/Comments:Please provide any address changes or comments to our investor contact by e-mail atIR@loews.com or by phone at 212-521-2788.


The Notice and Proxy Statement, Annual Report and Annual Review Letter are available atwww.proxyvote.com.



Annual Meeting of Shareholders

May 8, 2018 11:00 A.M.

This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors

The undersigned shareholder(s) hereby appoint(s) Marc A. Alpert, David B. Edelson and Kenneth I. Siegel, or any of them, as proxies, each with the power to appoint his substitute, and hereby authorize(s) them to represent and to vote, as designated on the reverse side of this proxy, all of the shares of Common Stock of LOEWS CORPORATION that the shareholder(s) is/are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at 11:00 A.M., New York City time, on May 8, 2018, at the Loews Regency New York Hotel, 540 Park Avenue, New York, New York, and any adjournment or postponement thereof.

This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed herein. If no such direction is made, this proxy will be voted in accordance with the Board of Directors’ recommendations.

Continued and to be signed on reverse side